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Tag Archives: Announcment

School Holiday Workshop for Little Shutterbugs

  Do you have a little shutter bug in your family? I have two and I love it when they explore photographically. Whether it’s with my phone, their barbie camera, or my SLR, it really doesn’t matter. I just love seeing their perspective of the world. During the upcoming school holidays (Spring 2014) I will […]

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Mother’s Day Special

Mother’s Day is only 8 days away and my Mother’s Day vouchers are selling fast! I’ve sold them to dads for mums, mums for mums and … uncles for nephews :) Yes, strange but true :) Give your mum or yourself something memorable this Mother’s Day. Order early to allow enough time for delivery!

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Christmas Specials 2012

My goodness, where has the year gone?! It’s been a massive one, starting with the decision to embark on a new career that would enable a more flexible lifestyle and time with the kids. Best decision I’ve ever made! :) I’ve had so much fun learning about my craft and the business, I can hardly […]

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Why I’m Jumping Off A Plane

My recent 4yo’s birthday party has made me a wee nostalgic. It’s unbelievable that 4 years ago, she was born into this world and created a pair of nervous parents out of my husband and I. Her labour was a marathon 36hours that ended in an emergency cesarean. I remember the beginning and end like it […]

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Mother’s Day Giveaway

Yesterday I chose to attend a business workshop over taking care of my kids who have colds. A teary drop off with the 3yo was heart wrenching :( It took an hour into the workshop before I could focus and the guilt lingered all day. This is the guilt we mums feel every time we […]

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7 Tips to Great Easter Photos With the Kids

Easter is less than 2 weeks away and I’m looking forward to a weekend of Easter egg hunting! Yes it’s for the kids but there’s no reason we can’t join in the fun ;) … and take the opportunity to capture their funny expressions and little adventures. Whether your prized camera is a digital SLR or […]

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