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The Smiles at Pooh Bears House ELC

Both my girls attend a wonderful early learning centre mins drive from home. I remember visiting 5 others before choosing them. 4 years on and I am more than happy with this decision so when I was asked to do their annual photos this year, I was more than pleased to help out.

The fast paced, high volume style of ‘school’ photos though is quite different to the intimate, relaxed family portrait sessions that I am more used to. Lets just say, my fitness was challenged!

Over 3 days I chased, charmed and photographed over 130 pre-schoolers. The constant energy and problem solving required reminded me of the wedding photography I used to do… only this was much more demanding on my negotiation skills! ;) I wanted to photograph the kids being their natural, vibrant, happy selves which was sometimes hard to achieve on a 5mins per child schedule but we managed, with very few tears and I’ve learn’t so much in the process.

Check out just a few of the happy and confident munchkins at Pooh Bears House Early Learning Centre :)

Denh Lay Photography






Denh Lay Photography



