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Category Archives: Personal

2018 A New Year, A New Start

2017, what can I say? It was a year of immense personal challenges that I am starting to embrace. It’s not easy reflecting on heartache, seeing through the fog of loss and accepting reality for what it is. But only then can you truly appreciate every precious moment shared and grow from both the brutal and gentle lessons learned along the way.

2018, you’re a new start. Here’s to much inspired imagery and personal enlightenment. Below is a new series of star gazing moments as part of a personal project I plan to expand on.

I will be easing into the new year with kids filling our home with happy chaos until school resumes. Looking forward to creating precious memories for all my 2018 families ❤️


Goodbye Riggsy

Sadly, we had to farewell our beloved Chocolate Labrador Riggsy last Thursday. It was sudden, unexpected and surreal. Happy one day, gone the next. Impossible to comprehend.

From day 1, 11 years ago, he had us fooled. We were putty in his paws and he used his cuteness like any adorable puppy could. He chewed through his first new collar during the ride from RSPCA, where we met him, to his new forever home with us. He wakes us up in the middle of the night just so dad would tuck him back into bed which dad does, lovingly, every time. He was an adorable, cheeky character that you could not help but love.

Riggsy, our dear nutty boy, we will miss your excitable way and your enthusiasm that always put a smile on our faces. We will miss the sound of your paws and the touch of your nose. But most of all, we will miss your unconditional love.

Thank you beautiful for hanging in there so we could all be by your side to say our final goodbyes.

May you rest in peace darling and rejoice in your brother’s company once again.

Days may pass, Nights may fall,
We will love you forever more.

Be free from this world,
But not from our hearts,
Let sleep not keep us apart.


Denh Lay Photography








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Goodbye Sandy

We bid farewell to our beloved Labrador, Sandy, early Monday morning. A dear friend of 11 years, a much loved family member, and in truth my first baby boy.

He was a gentle, fun loving soul known for his cross legged elegance. He was adventurous and tough, surviving being hit by a motorbike, his first bout of cancer, and an escape from a sitter’s home that led him and his brother across a busy freeway. He loved the beach and did the most impressive horizontal dives and belly whacks. We will miss the laughter and joy he brought into our lives.

Sandy, in your final weeks when the illness took you so rapidly, it was an honour to care for you and to thank you for all your years of dedication and love. It was heartbreaking to see your health decline but we are so grateful to have been there with you through till the end. Letting you go is one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. The moment you left us was gut wrenching and left me gasping for air. We will miss you dearly.

Rest in peace my beautiful boy xxoo

The sun will be out,
Morning is nigh,
We will hold you into the light.

Be free from this world,
But not from our hearts,
Let sleep not keep us apart.









Value of Extended Family Networks

We have had an emotional roller coaster week attending life events across the spectrum. What it has shown me is that there is much to be gained from creating and sustaining supportive and caring communities, beyond your immediate family, who come together effortlessly and unanimously when you need them. Life can be harshly unpredictable and an emphatic, generous support system becomes a priceless form of life insurance. If tragedy turns your world explicably upside down, that safety net is there to catch you. To lend support and comfort that money cannot buy and more importantly, to reassure that life can go on whenever you’re ready. Not ready to forget, never forget, but ready to live in peace with memories that warm your soul and remind you of happy times shared.

Dearest Anita. Your loss is too hard to comprehend. The world has lost a magnificent soul. Your infectious smile will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace beautiful angel xxx




Making Time For Family Portraits

I celebrated my birthday yesterday and was thoroughly spoiled all weekend. It was a perfect time to reflect on the abundance of love I am so fortunate to have around me. I have friends with much less who struggle without support. I don’t express my gratitude enough. I don’t know if many do. Life is busy and there is always something on. Take a moment, be happy, and marvel at all you have accomplished.

I did that yesterday and made time for a new family portrait to celebrate my greatest love. I took my family outside, sat us down in the best light, and set my camera on a tripod. It was fiddly and kept me fit, running back and forth using a timer, but we captured some beautiful moments. Thankfully my father in law picked up my camera and took a few more :) … My greatest achievements in life captured, so that I may always gaze upon them with immense joy, pride and gratitude.


Family Portraits





Our furkids and a quick tip to photographing dogs

Our doggies have had a rough trot the past month. Within 3 weeks, both have had surgeries requiring hospital care. We’ve had them for 10 years and only 1 hospital trip prior. We’ve been lucky considering they are rather indiscriminate with what they put in their mouths and can be a bit nutty out and about. This month we were confronted with some difficult questions and in the end, we realised how much we needed to give back to these beautiful creatures who have been a part of our family memories for a good decade. They’ve given us unconditional love and tolerated new family members who’ve gradually taken over their place on the couch and in the house.

Thanks for growing old with us but it’s not yet time my sweets. Looking forward to many more years of nuttiness ♥


PHOTO TIP: It’s almost as hard to get doggies to stay still for photos as it is for kids. Our labs whilst nutty are well trained to sit, drop, wait, leave etc. This helps immensely, especially with treat in hand. I usually do a quick sit, drop, wait, reward activity to get them into listening then stretch the wait time out a little so I can compose my shot. Yes, I did crop his snout out deliberately as I like being eye level to them and I do get very close :) …If your dog just won’t sit and wait etc then don’t attempt sit down photos until they’ve had a very good run.




Famiy Photographer



Milestones of a Parent

What a surreal feeling it is sending your first born off to primary school. In the brief eight minutes drive, her young life and all her amazing milestones flashed by like they happened yesterday. I cannot believe how significantly she has altered my reality. She has been the catalyst for incredible growth personally and professionally.

I have much to thank you for my beautiful Jade Ying. Love you to the moon and back … and a million trillion dollars ♥


Denh Lay Photography




Starting The Year With Gratitude

It’s been a long few days with sad news from near and far. These days have an effect on you. Your perspective changes from tangibles to intangibles. You slow down, savour moments, breathe life and most importantly, you are grateful. Grateful for blissful moments, for cherished loved ones, for simple joys.

2014 is about gratitude. As it always should be.

… Find me on Instagram, @denhlay and join my 2 photo projects. Project hashtags #365grateful and #mumsinphotos. Do it for yourself. Do it for your family.


Denh Lay Photography




Challenges and Awards

There are a thousand reasons why I love working from home and running my own photography business. One of the biggest challenges though is that I am generally working solo. This can be great for productivity as there’s no distractions but not so great when it comes to generating and developing new creative ideas. It’s just too easy to be complacent.

Hence, one of my goals this year was to invest in more creative development. Aside from pursuing personal projects, I have been trying to be more involved with the photographic industry as a whole. To venture a bit beyond my little bubble in the hope that I may develop my craft and consequently, improve my business.

In July, I entered the annual Victorian Professional Photography Awards. It was a daunting, stressful and nerve racking experience …but one which I thoroughly enjoyed. The whole process forced me to reach out to more experienced photographers who willingly spent hours chatting with me, sharing their knowledge. It forced me to learn new editing techniques that will improve what I offer in my business. Most importantly though, it fostered a larger circle of peers and mentors whom I now call friends :) So, regardless of the result, I feel I have gained immensely.

Speaking of the result though, I am proud to say that my entry (below) in the Family Portrait category did earn a silver award. I am grateful that my ability to capture joyful family portraits was recognised. I am grateful that I am learning.


Denh Lay Photography

On Working Hard and Being Happy

A lovely client commented jokingly, that I work too hard. She’s right, I do! :P I don’t deny it, I have always believed that nothing you really desire comes without hard work. Once I commit to something, I will do my absolute best to make it happen. In January last year, I committed to my photography business. This little business has become my passion. It does more than support my family financially. It fuels my dreams and ambitions, and in doing so, supports both my professional and personal well being. Basically, it keeps me sane and happy :)

Is it just my happiness though? …Absolutely not.

I believe I am a better wife, mother, daughter, friend, and even photographer because I am a happy person. A person who is generally positive, supportive, and grateful. Grateful for life’s opportunities and the courage to take them. Grateful for supportive family, friends and clients. But most importantly, grateful for the amazing little beings who fill my life with joy and the incredible man behind this camera who has always believed in me.

So yes, I do believe in working hard … as long as you take the time to enjoy life too ;)


Family Photographer