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Category Archives: Life Lessons

2018 A New Year, A New Start

2017, what can I say? It was a year of immense personal challenges that I am starting to embrace. It’s not easy reflecting on heartache, seeing through the fog of loss and accepting reality for what it is. But only then can you truly appreciate every precious moment shared and grow from both the brutal and gentle lessons learned along the way.

2018, you’re a new start. Here’s to much inspired imagery and personal enlightenment. Below is a new series of star gazing moments as part of a personal project I plan to expand on.

I will be easing into the new year with kids filling our home with happy chaos until school resumes. Looking forward to creating precious memories for all my 2018 families ❤️


Precious Mother Daughter Moments

When marriage celebrant Jacqueline spoke of her desire to capture the close mother daughter bond she has with her 8yo, I was thrilled for her! We mums are generally the ones behind the camera and too often I speak to parents who rarely include themselves in their daily captures. Digital photography is so accessible and easy that we take tonnes of photos of our children but how many show we were there? That we participated and shared an experience? In years to come, I won’t remember which events I was able to attend but photos will attest that I was present as often as I could be, that I savoured every moment, and I was beside them every step of the way.

Enjoy this heartwarming session of a mum and her gorgeous daughter whom she fondly describes as “growing out of childhood”. ♥♥


Family Portrait Photography






Value of Extended Family Networks

We have had an emotional roller coaster week attending life events across the spectrum. What it has shown me is that there is much to be gained from creating and sustaining supportive and caring communities, beyond your immediate family, who come together effortlessly and unanimously when you need them. Life can be harshly unpredictable and an emphatic, generous support system becomes a priceless form of life insurance. If tragedy turns your world explicably upside down, that safety net is there to catch you. To lend support and comfort that money cannot buy and more importantly, to reassure that life can go on whenever you’re ready. Not ready to forget, never forget, but ready to live in peace with memories that warm your soul and remind you of happy times shared.

Dearest Anita. Your loss is too hard to comprehend. The world has lost a magnificent soul. Your infectious smile will never be forgotten. Rest in Peace beautiful angel xxx

