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Category Archives: Kids

Be Seen In Your Family Memories

Parenthood requires a fair bit of selflessness. We put our kids first in almost every way. Being their personal nurse, chef, chauffeur, coach, PA… Our intentions are heartfelt but we can inadvertently become a bystander, constantly organising never participating. Family portraits for me is about helping mums and dads get back in the frame, for themselves and for their children. How wonderful to give your kids and family vivid memories of exactly how you cuddle, kiss or laugh. The memory is beyond precious, made more so when it can be seen and not just imagined. Take the time and be seen in your family’s photographic memories ❤️


Celebrating Family Milestones

Starting school is such a big step for most families. The growth in learning and independence takes little ones from preschool to wanna-be-teens almost overnight! 😆 It’s such a busy and challenging stage as the whole family adjusts to new routines… yet again. I love photographing this family stage because I know myself that with the blink of an eye, your kiddies are half way through primary school! So grateful for the opportunity to help families take the time to celebrate this significant milestone with some beautiful family portraits ❤️

Celebrate Your Extended Family

Ever since losing dad extended family portraits, where all your closest loves are included for some beautiful memories, has gained a new level of importance for me. I have always enjoyed the opportunity but now I am intensely grateful. I have experienced first hand how invaluable those photographic memories are, how much they can transport you to a moment in time you so yearn for. It may be difficult to organise due to hectic schedules, unmotivated members or illness but one thing for sure, you will never regret doing it. The result is something the whole family, young and old, can cherish for life.

If you are willing to make the time, it will be my absolute mission and pleasure to give you your treasured memories.

Take the opportunity to celebrate the life you have created, the loves who make you whole, and indeed your greatest achievements.


Finding Family Time, It’s Worth It

“We would love some beautiful family photos but never have time!”

If you are thinking this, you are not alone. More often than not, I photograph families who have wanted family photos for years but finding time and opportunity just seems impossible. Much like this amazing bunch I photographed recently. Can you imagine having three girls under 9 and running a thriving family business? Life gets hectic! But as soon as mum decided it was time to make time, we made it happen. Working together with families to plan a stress free session and being flexible to work around sleep times to get the best out of your kids is an important part of my job. A part I enjoy because it means a greater chance of creating the best collection of memories I can!

…Loved loved everything about this session and safe to say, mum was thrilled to have found time in their busy schedule to capture these cherished moments ❤️


Twins, Twice The Love

These gorgeous twins turned one recently and to celebrate mum decided it was finally time to organise some family photos. Who would have thought two teeny tiny munchkins could impact life so dramatically :) That newborn year can be such a blur as we take up that apprenticeship of parenthood. It’s challenging enough to navigate with one let alone with twins!

So, when you do come out of the fog, and you inevitably will, take the time. Step back, admire your loves, celebrate your greatest achievements, and let me capture the moment for you.


Photo Tips For Precious School Moments

With my youngest starting prep and eldest flying into Grade 2  this year, I have found much to cherish and celebrate. It’s an exciting phase for them with many changes and personal development. If like me, you don’t want to forget the little things then here’s a few tips and ideas for capturing  those precious moments. I’ve used phone photos here because these tips and ideas apply to any camera you use and frankly, it is my everyday camera.

1/ First Year At School

Exciting and anxious time for kids and parents. So much so, it can all be but a blur by the end of the year. But what a milestone it is! Think about the questions you want to answer in years to come. eg. How did she fit in that uniform? How big was that bag on him?! How excited was she? How excited was mum and dad?? :) It’s not just about faces, it’s about the details like the size of their hands in yours and the pigtails :)  A tip with those photos together, squat down and get to their level so your photos are not always looking down at them.



2/ Their Proud Moments

I love the enthusiasm, excitement and the hilarity of this age! It doesn’t take big moments and events to excite them. Little things will do and it’s usually the little things we forget so take time to photograph them. My daughter brought home her first little ‘project’. To nuture a wheat plant from seed which she started at school. A proud moment that she wanted photographed. Things you can think about when photographing such moments (eg. receiving school certificates) include:

Lighting – If you are in open sun, move around so the light is on their face and you can clearly see their expression. So that they’re not squinting, squat down yourself so they’re not looking upwards towards the sky. I didn’t go completely to eye level below as I wanted to see the whole of the plant. If the object you want to photograph is portable (like a school certificate), move into full shade during the day to avoid heavy shadows and squinting.

Minimise clutter in the background – Because of the difference in height between her and her plant, I asked her to squat down so she more level to it which allowed me to fill the frame with minimal clutter in the background. This does two things:

  • Brings focus to her and her plant (and her socks in thongs style ;))
  • Makes it clear what this moment was about. In years to come you won’t be wondering “Is this about how tall she is or how she looks in uniform or what the house looked like!”




Incorporate relevant background information – Sometimes remembering to move out and including more of the background is necessary to tell a story. If you always zoomed in to just the child, you might miss capturing the full story. eg. location, event, purpose etc. The trick is to include just enough but not too much information :)

Denh Lay Photography


3/ When They Learnt To….

Fascinating amount of growing in such a short span of time really! And not just in size but in motor skills that changes them from babies to little independent beings. Capturing through photography the new skills becomes a great visual diary. And it’s such a great way to share stories with them as they get older. “Last year you started doing this, wonder what you can do this year?”

Tip for more natural reactions, don’t ask them to pose for it. Just encourage and be ready :)



4/ The Simple Moments

The moments that made you go wow! They’re always worth a capture. Every time I see these, I relive that moment when you realise they’ll always be your baby ♥♥


Take Time To Celebrate Your Family

As families grow, it naturally gets harder to portion time and energy to each and every child. I see it in families I’ve photographed over the years as well as my own. eg. For your first you may have organised newborn portraits, toddler portraits, school age portraits but for your 2nd and 3rd you’re lucky to organise Santa photos. It’s not that you value them less, life just gets too busy. Too busy to get yourself an annual haircut let alone organise family portraits. But I’m here to say it’s never too late and that the visual, tangible memories you get to pass down to your children is so worth the effort.

I know I struggle with time myself but I want my children to look back and see that they were equally adored. That they are each amazing, beautiful, unique in their own way and that their differences were noticed, nurtured and loved. That amongst all the ‘busy’ I found time to celebrate our family.


Family Portraits















Celebrate Your Family

There are many reasons to treasure your family. Everyone is built differently and I cherish the opportunity to discover their uniqueness each and every time. If you are a busy family overwhelmed by how quickly your children are growing and desire some personalised artwork that is meaningful to you and celebrates your family then I’d love to meet you. To learn about you and to help stop time so that you can always be reminded of all that you have accomplished.

….Meet Master J. Carefree, exuberant, and totally in love with trains, life, and his cosy little nook ♥

(And if you love his gorgeous mandarin-collared shirt and linen pants, check out The Bear & The Whale. Clever mumma pictured below is also the owner and designer of beautiful baby and toddler wear found at Li’l Zippers)





Denh Lay Photography






Sleepy Baby Bliss

Thinking of this beautiful boy and his family I photographed just before Christmas last year. We had to be patient for him to sleep as he was far more intent on taking in his curious new world but what a joy it was when he finally did… with a smile too :)  What a wonder it is to watch newborns experience the world then drift into the most peaceful, content sleep you could ever wish for.

Wishing you a bottomless jar of sweet dreams gorgeous boy xx

Tip: When photographing newborns indoors, keep room temperature quite warm. More comfortable and sleep inducing for baby :)









What I Learned From School Holiday Workshop

Sometimes you need to try something new to rediscover the old. I ran my first school holiday workshop for kids and was truly amazed by what I learned. The children’s wonder, excitement, and ability to enjoy simple things was inspiring. I was particularly touched by the stories behind some of the photos. Having a creative outlet can be such a powerful thing. The experience reminded me of my own photographic beginnings and why I love what I do. It’s a journey that has come full circle and nowadays, I delight in simplicity and embrace the beauty that exists in the everyday. #lovelearningfromkids

Special thanks to Caren from The Hendrie Group for her amazing support and entertainment skills on the day! :)

School Holiday workshop T42014