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Category Archives: Family

Sleepy Baby Bliss

Thinking of this beautiful boy and his family I photographed just before Christmas last year. We had to be patient for him to sleep as he was far more intent on taking in his curious new world but what a joy it was when he finally did… with a smile too :)  What a wonder it is to watch newborns experience the world then drift into the most peaceful, content sleep you could ever wish for.

Wishing you a bottomless jar of sweet dreams gorgeous boy xx

Tip: When photographing newborns indoors, keep room temperature quite warm. More comfortable and sleep inducing for baby :)









Six Decades of Love

In my ‘work’ I get to meet a lot of interesting, wonderful people. I love learning about individuals, families and their stories. Some leave such lasting impressions that I find myself thinking about them long after the photos are taken. I believe we have much to learn from each other and the more we open our heart and listen, the more we have to gain.

I met this sweet couple, Theodore and Eileen early this month for Theordore’s big birthday. The fact that they live next door to their daughter is an indication of how connected this family is. Upon meeting them, I am immediately drawn into a warm and nostalgic conversation about their life in India, their travels, their previous home, and their 62 years of marriage! :) They have had their adventures and now thrive on beautiful memories with a family that comes together when it counts and holds hands because they love each other.

I was charmed, enriched, and inspired.


Denh Lay Photography




Father’s Day Heros

Happy Father’s Day to all you wonderfully tolerant, resilient, thoughtful dads out there! Know that you will always be the greatest superhero in the eyes of your children ♥

“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” – said someone wise.


Denh Lay Photography



Denh Lay Photography

Making Time For Family Portraits

I celebrated my birthday yesterday and was thoroughly spoiled all weekend. It was a perfect time to reflect on the abundance of love I am so fortunate to have around me. I have friends with much less who struggle without support. I don’t express my gratitude enough. I don’t know if many do. Life is busy and there is always something on. Take a moment, be happy, and marvel at all you have accomplished.

I did that yesterday and made time for a new family portrait to celebrate my greatest love. I took my family outside, sat us down in the best light, and set my camera on a tripod. It was fiddly and kept me fit, running back and forth using a timer, but we captured some beautiful moments. Thankfully my father in law picked up my camera and took a few more :) … My greatest achievements in life captured, so that I may always gaze upon them with immense joy, pride and gratitude.


Family Portraits





Our furkids and a quick tip to photographing dogs

Our doggies have had a rough trot the past month. Within 3 weeks, both have had surgeries requiring hospital care. We’ve had them for 10 years and only 1 hospital trip prior. We’ve been lucky considering they are rather indiscriminate with what they put in their mouths and can be a bit nutty out and about. This month we were confronted with some difficult questions and in the end, we realised how much we needed to give back to these beautiful creatures who have been a part of our family memories for a good decade. They’ve given us unconditional love and tolerated new family members who’ve gradually taken over their place on the couch and in the house.

Thanks for growing old with us but it’s not yet time my sweets. Looking forward to many more years of nuttiness ♥


PHOTO TIP: It’s almost as hard to get doggies to stay still for photos as it is for kids. Our labs whilst nutty are well trained to sit, drop, wait, leave etc. This helps immensely, especially with treat in hand. I usually do a quick sit, drop, wait, reward activity to get them into listening then stretch the wait time out a little so I can compose my shot. Yes, I did crop his snout out deliberately as I like being eye level to them and I do get very close :) …If your dog just won’t sit and wait etc then don’t attempt sit down photos until they’ve had a very good run.




Famiy Photographer



Hope and Happiness on Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! There is happy chaos in the kitchen as my husband attempts to prepare breakfast in bed for me with the ‘help’ of my girls. The sweet smells and sounds waft upstairs and I can’t help but hold a ridiculous smile. I feel blessed. Life is amazing.

Today though, I am also reminded of friends who have been less fortunate. Friends who have immeasurable love to give to a family yet to be and friends whose lives have been graced by little angels. Today my thoughts and love are with you all.

In the spirit of hope I am sharing the following images. This couple have endured incredible loss but through immense perseverance and hope, they now have the most precious baby girl to cherish. A calm and gorgeous baby whose eyes look into your soul and assure you everything is ok. She is Strength. She is Hope. She is Olivia.

My heartfelt thanks to the family for trusting me with their memories and for letting me share their story xx


Denh Lay Photography










Nola and Shenton

I met this sweet married couple from NZ the week before they were due to part for a year of professional development. One remaining in Melbourne and the other off to London. It was a bitter sweet session that I felt extremely honoured to be part of. A huge thank you to their amazing sister/SIL for her thoughtful gift of a portrait session and giving me the opportunity to capture these beautiful moments for them.

Enjoy this special Valentines post filled with much love and happiness. Time will fly lovelies but moments like these will last a lifetime ♥


Denh Lay Photography







The Boissevain Girls

In Nov 2012 I met this multi-talented mum. In May 2013 I met her beautiful three girls during their family portrait session and find out that she not only juggles multiple ventures but she also home schools her children. In Feb 2014, we finally met again to share the photos we’d captured. Yes, multi-talented means super busy!! :)

Thank you so much for your time and energy. I marvel at all that you manage but above all I have much admiration for the gorgeous souls you have nurtured.

………. Watch this space as there’s a stunning artist portfolio coming up for one of these gorgeous girls ;)


Denh Lay Photography




The Conversanos

One of the things I love most about my work is that I get to meet some darn interesting people! Families with stories and ambitions that inspire me. Stories that foster gratitude and respect. Let’s just say, I am grateful my children have never required hospital treatment since birth … and that I know who to go to for some ‘zombie role play’ :)

Thank you Conversanos, for the opportunity to capture these moments of your beautiful family. Wishing you much success with your most exciting venture!

Denh Lay Photography






5 Tips to Memorable Holiday Photos

It has been nearly 3 months since our family holiday in Fiji and our photos still have the ability to take us back to ‘that moment’ when they were taken. Photos can do that. Create a lasting memory. So, here is my top 5 tips for creating memorable travel photos.


1.Travel itself is exciting. Capture the excitement.

As they say, it’s the journey. Capture not only their excitement but also what they are excited about. Unlike most adults, the joy of the journey is not lost upon kids.

Tip: For arial shots, hold camera as close to window as possible and turn off the flash.  


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2. New environments that captivate. Capture that happy place.

When I think of Fiji, I think of it’s beautiful waters and the tall coconut trees that line it’s skyline and beaches. I remember strolling through the long expanse of sand, admiring the coral, the schools of fish and the blue star fish!

Tip: Step back. Include landmarks for perspective to add detail to the story.



3. Cultural differences. Participate.

If you are fortunate enough to experience a different culture during your travels, capture what made it memorable. For me, it’s always the people. Followed closely by the food :) There’s much to be learnt like tradition and respect. These photos allow me to recount stories and relive experiences with greater clarity.

Tip: When photographing ceremonies, request permission before it begins. Be discreet but never secretive. Smile and show appreciation.


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4. Remember the simple things they loved doing most.

My 3yo’s favourite memories of Fiji are around ‘our’ beach and the hundreds of hermit crabs that lived on it. She loved drawing on the sand as this was about when she learnt to write her own name. My 5yo on the other hand would have lived in the pool if we let her!

Tip: Try different perspectives with children. Get down to their level for a more personal image. Make it a game for older children who are less willing to be photographed. With the underwater shots, we were trying to capture a mermaid ;)


Denh Lay Photography

Denh Lay Photography


5. Treasure the ‘time out’ allowed with holidays. The reason you go in the first place.

No matter how many exciting things we do on holiday, the most important thing will always be the opportunity to spend quality time as a family. A ‘time out’ from the hectic life at home. So enjoy the quiet moments and if possible, capture it :) This beautiful photo of my husband and our girls is my absolute favourite from this trip. It sums up everything we are working towards as a family. Happiness, love, and the opportunity to enjoy life in a heavenly place like Fiji.

Tip: Step out from behind the camera. Pack a mini tripod. Hand over your camera to a friend. Be a part of your family’s history ♥ 
