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Category Archives: Family

Cherish Your Furkids

First portrait session for 2019 was extra heartfelt, creating special memories for a friend and her ‘perfect dog’, furkid, and much loved companion of 12 years. We took a leisurely stroll with the charming Yoshi who was bubbly and alert. Ready to meet new friends and enjoy another new day. Our furkids certainly teach us many lessons, best of which is that life is full of delight if we choose to see them. Every moment, every day is a blessing and there is joy in the simplest of things. Fresh air, leisurely walks, sand between your feet, and discovering the world with your favourite humans ❤️

I am always happy to include your furkids in your family photos. After all, they are so much a part of the happy chaos :) If interested, mention it in our planning session and we’ll work out the best way to make it happen!



Be Seen In Your Family Memories

Parenthood requires a fair bit of selflessness. We put our kids first in almost every way. Being their personal nurse, chef, chauffeur, coach, PA… Our intentions are heartfelt but we can inadvertently become a bystander, constantly organising never participating. Family portraits for me is about helping mums and dads get back in the frame, for themselves and for their children. How wonderful to give your kids and family vivid memories of exactly how you cuddle, kiss or laugh. The memory is beyond precious, made more so when it can be seen and not just imagined. Take the time and be seen in your family’s photographic memories ❤️


Celebrating Family Milestones

Starting school is such a big step for most families. The growth in learning and independence takes little ones from preschool to wanna-be-teens almost overnight! 😆 It’s such a busy and challenging stage as the whole family adjusts to new routines… yet again. I love photographing this family stage because I know myself that with the blink of an eye, your kiddies are half way through primary school! So grateful for the opportunity to help families take the time to celebrate this significant milestone with some beautiful family portraits ❤️

Celebrate Your Extended Family

Ever since losing dad extended family portraits, where all your closest loves are included for some beautiful memories, has gained a new level of importance for me. I have always enjoyed the opportunity but now I am intensely grateful. I have experienced first hand how invaluable those photographic memories are, how much they can transport you to a moment in time you so yearn for. It may be difficult to organise due to hectic schedules, unmotivated members or illness but one thing for sure, you will never regret doing it. The result is something the whole family, young and old, can cherish for life.

If you are willing to make the time, it will be my absolute mission and pleasure to give you your treasured memories.

Take the opportunity to celebrate the life you have created, the loves who make you whole, and indeed your greatest achievements.


2018 A New Year, A New Start

2017, what can I say? It was a year of immense personal challenges that I am starting to embrace. It’s not easy reflecting on heartache, seeing through the fog of loss and accepting reality for what it is. But only then can you truly appreciate every precious moment shared and grow from both the brutal and gentle lessons learned along the way.

2018, you’re a new start. Here’s to much inspired imagery and personal enlightenment. Below is a new series of star gazing moments as part of a personal project I plan to expand on.

I will be easing into the new year with kids filling our home with happy chaos until school resumes. Looking forward to creating precious memories for all my 2018 families ❤️


Making Time For Family Memories

Have you ever wanted to somehow freeze those early years because the days fly by way too fast? Have you ever woken up and wondered when your babies grew up?! With two kids under 8 myself, I too understand busy. I too have various family priorities to juggle that always seem over and above family portraits. But like many families I photograph, I never regret taking the time.

Meeting families who appreciate family memories and value family photos is precious. Not just because they have entrusted me with their time and memories but because I know the end result will be forever cherished.

If you are a busy mum, frustrated by not having a beautiful photo that truly reflects your family, and would like a professional who loves working with families to guide you all the way then give me a bell or email ( Making the whole process fun and easy is what I do best. Bringing your ideas to reality is an absolute joy. Tiring the kids out for the day is just an added bonus ;)


Denh Lay Photography










Goodbye Riggsy

Sadly, we had to farewell our beloved Chocolate Labrador Riggsy last Thursday. It was sudden, unexpected and surreal. Happy one day, gone the next. Impossible to comprehend.

From day 1, 11 years ago, he had us fooled. We were putty in his paws and he used his cuteness like any adorable puppy could. He chewed through his first new collar during the ride from RSPCA, where we met him, to his new forever home with us. He wakes us up in the middle of the night just so dad would tuck him back into bed which dad does, lovingly, every time. He was an adorable, cheeky character that you could not help but love.

Riggsy, our dear nutty boy, we will miss your excitable way and your enthusiasm that always put a smile on our faces. We will miss the sound of your paws and the touch of your nose. But most of all, we will miss your unconditional love.

Thank you beautiful for hanging in there so we could all be by your side to say our final goodbyes.

May you rest in peace darling and rejoice in your brother’s company once again.

Days may pass, Nights may fall,
We will love you forever more.

Be free from this world,
But not from our hearts,
Let sleep not keep us apart.


Denh Lay Photography








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Photo Tips For Precious School Moments

With my youngest starting prep and eldest flying into Grade 2  this year, I have found much to cherish and celebrate. It’s an exciting phase for them with many changes and personal development. If like me, you don’t want to forget the little things then here’s a few tips and ideas for capturing  those precious moments. I’ve used phone photos here because these tips and ideas apply to any camera you use and frankly, it is my everyday camera.

1/ First Year At School

Exciting and anxious time for kids and parents. So much so, it can all be but a blur by the end of the year. But what a milestone it is! Think about the questions you want to answer in years to come. eg. How did she fit in that uniform? How big was that bag on him?! How excited was she? How excited was mum and dad?? :) It’s not just about faces, it’s about the details like the size of their hands in yours and the pigtails :)  A tip with those photos together, squat down and get to their level so your photos are not always looking down at them.



2/ Their Proud Moments

I love the enthusiasm, excitement and the hilarity of this age! It doesn’t take big moments and events to excite them. Little things will do and it’s usually the little things we forget so take time to photograph them. My daughter brought home her first little ‘project’. To nuture a wheat plant from seed which she started at school. A proud moment that she wanted photographed. Things you can think about when photographing such moments (eg. receiving school certificates) include:

Lighting – If you are in open sun, move around so the light is on their face and you can clearly see their expression. So that they’re not squinting, squat down yourself so they’re not looking upwards towards the sky. I didn’t go completely to eye level below as I wanted to see the whole of the plant. If the object you want to photograph is portable (like a school certificate), move into full shade during the day to avoid heavy shadows and squinting.

Minimise clutter in the background – Because of the difference in height between her and her plant, I asked her to squat down so she more level to it which allowed me to fill the frame with minimal clutter in the background. This does two things:

  • Brings focus to her and her plant (and her socks in thongs style ;))
  • Makes it clear what this moment was about. In years to come you won’t be wondering “Is this about how tall she is or how she looks in uniform or what the house looked like!”




Incorporate relevant background information – Sometimes remembering to move out and including more of the background is necessary to tell a story. If you always zoomed in to just the child, you might miss capturing the full story. eg. location, event, purpose etc. The trick is to include just enough but not too much information :)

Denh Lay Photography


3/ When They Learnt To….

Fascinating amount of growing in such a short span of time really! And not just in size but in motor skills that changes them from babies to little independent beings. Capturing through photography the new skills becomes a great visual diary. And it’s such a great way to share stories with them as they get older. “Last year you started doing this, wonder what you can do this year?”

Tip for more natural reactions, don’t ask them to pose for it. Just encourage and be ready :)



4/ The Simple Moments

The moments that made you go wow! They’re always worth a capture. Every time I see these, I relive that moment when you realise they’ll always be your baby ♥♥


Memories To Smile Upon | Melbourne Family Photographer

It’s easy for me to be immersed in my work. So much beauty, so much love. I meet families, discover the relationships, the personalities and my whole purpose then is to photograph the beautiful moments that tell their story and present artwork that is tangible, has permanence… unlike time, or our fleeting memories. So incredibly grateful when my purpose is fulfilled through family portraits that make my clients smile everyday ♥

“Thank you so much for the photos again. Could not be happier. I smile every time I see them. Now they are scattered throughout the house I get to smile in every room just about. I do find myself staring at the walls a lot more. So thank you so much for capturing perfect moments and now we can enjoy them for many years to come.” Jan 2016


Denh Lay Photography

Denh Lay Photography








Denh Lay Photography

Goodbye Sandy

We bid farewell to our beloved Labrador, Sandy, early Monday morning. A dear friend of 11 years, a much loved family member, and in truth my first baby boy.

He was a gentle, fun loving soul known for his cross legged elegance. He was adventurous and tough, surviving being hit by a motorbike, his first bout of cancer, and an escape from a sitter’s home that led him and his brother across a busy freeway. He loved the beach and did the most impressive horizontal dives and belly whacks. We will miss the laughter and joy he brought into our lives.

Sandy, in your final weeks when the illness took you so rapidly, it was an honour to care for you and to thank you for all your years of dedication and love. It was heartbreaking to see your health decline but we are so grateful to have been there with you through till the end. Letting you go is one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. The moment you left us was gut wrenching and left me gasping for air. We will miss you dearly.

Rest in peace my beautiful boy xxoo

The sun will be out,
Morning is nigh,
We will hold you into the light.

Be free from this world,
But not from our hearts,
Let sleep not keep us apart.







