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Category Archives: Community

The Gift of Confidence by Real Fringe Hair Bands

If you’ve ever had a conversation with Nicole, you would immediately recognise her warm, all embracing smile. Coupled with her nurturing and giving personality, she makes the perfect oncology nurse one could hope for. Her dream of giving confidence and empowering people affected by hair loss, has recently become a reality after years of planning and much determination.

Her business, Real Fringe Hair Bands has just launched their flagship product Confident Locks™. It is a dream product to cancer and alopecia patients who have suffered hair loss, enabling their own or community donated hair to be sewn onto a hairband that sits comfortably under any head wear. A cooler option to a full wig and an amazing alternative to synthetic wigs.

This portrait session was destined after I made a hair donation a year ago in memory of dad. I accompanied it with a note that I’d love to work with Nicole when she was ready. So grateful she felt my intention ❤️


LOVED meeting Kaitlyn, cancer free for 10 years after undergoing treatment for brain tumour when she was only 13. You are a beacon of hope and your attitude of helping others is so inspiring. I have shared your story warmly with my kids who have seen the effects of brain radiotherapy through my dad and it has been a blessing to show them what is possible ❤️

Kaitlyn features in several Cancer Council ads including the following:


AND then there was Shea :) Alopecia and total hair loss from 10 years old yet leading an active, rewarding life helping others in her shoes whilst running EDN Dance  Company, enriching lives through dance. I love her pragmatic attitude to life and raising kids. You are such a great example of rising to life’s challenges and it was joy to capture these special moments for you ❤️