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Category Archives: Children’s portrait

Cherishing The Teenage Years

With my eldest racing into her teens in the coming years, I am already mentally preparing for the changes and conversations to be had (lucky we’re still a couple of years away). I remember the mind blowing revelations and learnings as a teen myself and how tricky a time it was.

You will see me naturally gravitating towards more teenage portraits as this tender life stage embraces our household. Lets start with this series captured for talented Miss J who published her first children’s book 4 years ago when she was just 11! You can read more here about her role for International Read to Me Day. More recently, she discovered a love for acting so contacted me for some portraits. So happy to help her kick start her ambitions with this beautiful series.



Special family reunions

This was the 2nd time we’ve tried to organise this extended family session. Coordinating whilst your family is spread across three continents couldn’t have been easy but I am so happy my client made this happen. For her and for her family.

When coming together is this rare, the opportunity to capture some family memories is all the more precious. I know too well that these memories are irreplaceable and will be forever cherished. Grateful for this family’s trust, for being adorable, and for having so much fun with it :)


Celebrating Family Milestones

Starting school is such a big step for most families. The growth in learning and independence takes little ones from preschool to wanna-be-teens almost overnight! 😆 It’s such a busy and challenging stage as the whole family adjusts to new routines… yet again. I love photographing this family stage because I know myself that with the blink of an eye, your kiddies are half way through primary school! So grateful for the opportunity to help families take the time to celebrate this significant milestone with some beautiful family portraits ❤️

Expressive And Fun Portrait Sessions

When you capture pure carefree joy ❤️
My focus in my family portrait sessions is always to create an environment where kids feel safe and confident to express themselves. Be crazy, be nutty, be quiet, be inquisitive. Be however they’re most comfortable being because isn’t that how we wish to remember them? So yes, I let them run wild a bit but rest assured, they always come back ;)



The Gift Of Memories

This family wanted to celebrate Nan’s special birthday in style and ended up purchasing a gift certificate for a family portrait session. Such an honour to be trusted to capture these precious moments for a special someone who obviously has everything she needs in her life. It was a joy to spend time in the glorious sun with this ultra cool family. Particularly loved bringing to life their ‘sunnies’ project. A true reflection of the fun loving family that they are 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

“Most painless photoshoot ever” said the men.
“That was actually fun. Denh is fun” said the kids!
“Can’t wait to see the photos” said the Mums 😊

And so grateful for kind words from Nan… “Thank you very very much for arranging this.  The photo shoot was such fun and today was lovely to be together to select the photos together.  Denh is a very nice person and it was a pleasure to spend time with her.  Please thank her sincerely on behalf of Dad and I”


Newborn Bliss With Little Miss S

Newborn bliss ♥️ Those first 2 weeks when all they want to do is eat and sleep. If your newborn session occurs in this period, we’re more likely to get these dreamy moments. And trust me, these moments are to be treasured because they only grow more alert and eager to play :)

Loved my quiet time spent with little Miss S who was simply a perfect little model ♥️


Celebrate Your Extended Family

Ever since losing dad extended family portraits, where all your closest loves are included for some beautiful memories, has gained a new level of importance for me. I have always enjoyed the opportunity but now I am intensely grateful. I have experienced first hand how invaluable those photographic memories are, how much they can transport you to a moment in time you so yearn for. It may be difficult to organise due to hectic schedules, unmotivated members or illness but one thing for sure, you will never regret doing it. The result is something the whole family, young and old, can cherish for life.

If you are willing to make the time, it will be my absolute mission and pleasure to give you your treasured memories.

Take the opportunity to celebrate the life you have created, the loves who make you whole, and indeed your greatest achievements.


Extended Family Portraits

Loss has a way of helping you appreciate the important loves in your life. The ones you can count on when you most need a hand. The extended family you adore but may not always see. The past 12 months in particular, has taught me (though I thought I already knew) that time is precious and moments spent with loved ones are moments to be cherished. I have a renewed love for capturing extended family portraits because I understand too well their value and I know what they will mean to you and your family in years to come.

Loved meeting this beautiful family, hearing their stories and capturing a collection of memories to remind them always of the precious time shared in their beloved family home, and the connections that make it all worthwhile.


Finding Family Time, It’s Worth It

“We would love some beautiful family photos but never have time!”

If you are thinking this, you are not alone. More often than not, I photograph families who have wanted family photos for years but finding time and opportunity just seems impossible. Much like this amazing bunch I photographed recently. Can you imagine having three girls under 9 and running a thriving family business? Life gets hectic! But as soon as mum decided it was time to make time, we made it happen. Working together with families to plan a stress free session and being flexible to work around sleep times to get the best out of your kids is an important part of my job. A part I enjoy because it means a greater chance of creating the best collection of memories I can!

…Loved loved everything about this session and safe to say, mum was thrilled to have found time in their busy schedule to capture these cherished moments ❤️


Twins, Twice The Love

These gorgeous twins turned one recently and to celebrate mum decided it was finally time to organise some family photos. Who would have thought two teeny tiny munchkins could impact life so dramatically :) That newborn year can be such a blur as we take up that apprenticeship of parenthood. It’s challenging enough to navigate with one let alone with twins!

So, when you do come out of the fog, and you inevitably will, take the time. Step back, admire your loves, celebrate your greatest achievements, and let me capture the moment for you.