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Category Archives: Business Portraits

The Gift of Confidence by Real Fringe Hair Bands

If you’ve ever had a conversation with Nicole, you would immediately recognise her warm, all embracing smile. Coupled with her nurturing and giving personality, she makes the perfect oncology nurse one could hope for. Her dream of giving confidence and empowering people affected by hair loss, has recently become a reality after years of planning and much determination.

Her business, Real Fringe Hair Bands has just launched their flagship product Confident Locks™. It is a dream product to cancer and alopecia patients who have suffered hair loss, enabling their own or community donated hair to be sewn onto a hairband that sits comfortably under any head wear. A cooler option to a full wig and an amazing alternative to synthetic wigs.

This portrait session was destined after I made a hair donation a year ago in memory of dad. I accompanied it with a note that I’d love to work with Nicole when she was ready. So grateful she felt my intention ❤️


LOVED meeting Kaitlyn, cancer free for 10 years after undergoing treatment for brain tumour when she was only 13. You are a beacon of hope and your attitude of helping others is so inspiring. I have shared your story warmly with my kids who have seen the effects of brain radiotherapy through my dad and it has been a blessing to show them what is possible ❤️

Kaitlyn features in several Cancer Council ads including the following:


AND then there was Shea :) Alopecia and total hair loss from 10 years old yet leading an active, rewarding life helping others in her shoes whilst running EDN Dance  Company, enriching lives through dance. I love her pragmatic attitude to life and raising kids. You are such a great example of rising to life’s challenges and it was joy to capture these special moments for you ❤️


Supporting Authentic Businesses

Over the years photographing families, I found myself naturally expanding to service a variety of local family businesses. Some through recommendations from my family clients and some are my family clients trusting me to showcase their business life as well as their family life. For this, I feel most honoured.

My insight into their family life and values helps me appreciate why their business is so important and gives me a better understanding of why they do what they do. This is significant because your ‘why’ gives your business authenticity and makes your claims believable. I just love the opportunity to work with such drive, authentic businesses who truly care about what they do and understand why they do it.

Photographed business owner Darlene’s gorgeous family in 2016 and loved getting to know her extended family at RAMS Heathmont. It was the 2nd time photographing this team too and how inspired I was to see them double in size over just 2 years. Love your community focus and dedication to truly give.


From Your Family to Your Business

Love a local, family business that truly cares for the clients they help! I have worked with the wonderful team at The Hendrie Group for over 6 years. From family portraits for individual members (7 in this team photo!!!), to business photography as they grew, to utilising their business mentoring, tax, and financial services. Our partnership just makes sense and I feel so fortunate to have found them. If you need a team who supports and cares about your financial freedom, I recommend giving them a call.

For this project, we wanted to showcase not only the friendly individuals within the business but the specialist teams trained to support specific client needs.



I’ve photographed many inspiring mums this year. Quite a few running their own businesses whilst juggling the daily demands of a young family like a regular supermum :) I feel their professional endeavours deserve as much recognition as their family achievements so I’d like to help promote them here. Check out their businesses and support a local mum in biz (even a FB like would be much appreciated I’m sure ;)


Denh_Lay_Photography064bLauren Kilroy – Owner, designer and maker of unique, funky boys wear, Boystrous. She’s easy going, honest, with a beautiful heart :)

“I am a mum with 2 kids, my first a girl and then a boy. Being spoilt for choice with my first I decided to start Boystrous so that my boy, and yours; can enjoy simple, smart, bold, creative designs and wear them with pride.”




Grace Koay – Owner, designer and maker of the gorgeous little girls dresses in Lillypilly Handmade. A truly beautiful, generous and creative soul :)

“Creations and designs of a SAHM, showcasing beautiful and unique fabric from across the world. With much love.”





Robbie Fincham – Civil celebrant with a personable, gentle manner and a great eye for detail.

“Every ceremony is unique and custom written specifically for the purpose and people intended. Robbie Fincham is a professional Commonwealth Authorised Civil Marriage Celebrant servicing the greater Melbourne area, Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges. Victoria-wide by request.”




Lynette Mitchell – Owner of Laughter for Living and part of Laughter Clubs Victoria, Lynette is all about making people happy :)

“Laughter Yoga or Laughter Wellness as it is also called, is a powerful healing modality that is simple, fun and filled with laughter that works simultaneously on the body, mind and spirit.”





Jo Darby – Part owner, executive and professional coach at Priority Partners. An amazing and confident woman who’s interests span horse riding and body building! She’s ever so sweet too :)

“Working with individuals and business teams to build strong personal and professional foundations.”






Jennifer stone – Part owner, director and landscape designer at Etch Architecture Solutions. Friendly, beautiful and as patient as you would need to be for a mum of 3 boys!

Leading the “landscape design section of Etch Architecture Solutions,… Jennifer provides specialist knowledge in planting design and ecological sustainability.”





Wendy Nash – Energy healer, spiritual and well being mentor. All round wonderful person to be around :)

Mission is “to empower and realign women with their true nature, their greatness and the flow of life.”




Julie Cuthbert – Business and literacy consultant and owner of Text Write Incite. Brilliant, helpful and super friendly!

“Getting your text right to incite more business”