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Category Archives: Babies

Newborn Bliss With Little Miss S

Newborn bliss ♥️ Those first 2 weeks when all they want to do is eat and sleep. If your newborn session occurs in this period, we’re more likely to get these dreamy moments. And trust me, these moments are to be treasured because they only grow more alert and eager to play :)

Loved my quiet time spent with little Miss S who was simply a perfect little model ♥️


Twins, Twice The Love

These gorgeous twins turned one recently and to celebrate mum decided it was finally time to organise some family photos. Who would have thought two teeny tiny munchkins could impact life so dramatically :) That newborn year can be such a blur as we take up that apprenticeship of parenthood. It’s challenging enough to navigate with one let alone with twins!

So, when you do come out of the fog, and you inevitably will, take the time. Step back, admire your loves, celebrate your greatest achievements, and let me capture the moment for you.


Memories To Smile Upon | Melbourne Family Photographer

It’s easy for me to be immersed in my work. So much beauty, so much love. I meet families, discover the relationships, the personalities and my whole purpose then is to photograph the beautiful moments that tell their story and present artwork that is tangible, has permanence… unlike time, or our fleeting memories. So incredibly grateful when my purpose is fulfilled through family portraits that make my clients smile everyday ♥

“Thank you so much for the photos again. Could not be happier. I smile every time I see them. Now they are scattered throughout the house I get to smile in every room just about. I do find myself staring at the walls a lot more. So thank you so much for capturing perfect moments and now we can enjoy them for many years to come.” Jan 2016


Denh Lay Photography

Denh Lay Photography








Denh Lay Photography

Take Time To Celebrate Your Family

As families grow, it naturally gets harder to portion time and energy to each and every child. I see it in families I’ve photographed over the years as well as my own. eg. For your first you may have organised newborn portraits, toddler portraits, school age portraits but for your 2nd and 3rd you’re lucky to organise Santa photos. It’s not that you value them less, life just gets too busy. Too busy to get yourself an annual haircut let alone organise family portraits. But I’m here to say it’s never too late and that the visual, tangible memories you get to pass down to your children is so worth the effort.

I know I struggle with time myself but I want my children to look back and see that they were equally adored. That they are each amazing, beautiful, unique in their own way and that their differences were noticed, nurtured and loved. That amongst all the ‘busy’ I found time to celebrate our family.


Family Portraits















Creating Positive Birth Experiences


Whether you’re having your first, second or third child, we all experience anxiety that can hinder our birth experiences. My first born took a marathon 36hrs to arrive via caesarean after a variety of non-medicinal and medicinal assistance to coach her out naturally failed. My 2nd came in less than 6hrs naturally. Two very different birth experiences that I treasure deeply. In hindsight I knew so little of the birthing process. Never have I been so under prepared for an event, let alone such a dramatic one. There was a certain amount of fear that came from not knowing what was happening internally and a blind, nervous acceptance that things will just progress ‘naturally’. How different my experiences would have been had I understood more or had I been better equipped when things didn’t go as planned.

Born out of these ‘epiphanies’ rose my desire to collaborate with some amazingly nurturing women, Esther from The Inner Woman, Anneke from Pregnancy Care, and Dianne from DizBowen (whom I’ve had the pleasure of photographing with her beautiful family). On 20th June, we are running a free information session ‘How to Take the Fear Factor out of Birth’ for expecting mums. Attendees will learn about the birthing process, relaxation strategies, the benefits of pregnancy massage, a quick guide to baby massage, the importance of a breast feeding plan, and some easy tips to improving your home photography so you may capture all those amazing milestones after the birth!



Whether you are a new mum-to-be or a seasoned expecting mum, you will take away some insight that will support your new birth experience. There will also be gift bags and door prizes for private consultations, massages, & photography sessions because we really want you there!! :) And if you know someone who may benefit, please feel free to share.

When: Saturday 20th June, 2 – 4pm

Where: Japara Neighbourhood House, 54-58 Durham Rd, Kilsyth

Full details here. Places are limited. Bookings essential!

If have any questions for me or want to book with me directly, just call 0413 703 150 or email


Beautiful Baby Bump

Whether you’re pregnant with your first, second or fifth, you can never be fully prepared for the miracle or the experience. It is neither an easy nor comfortable time but certainly a blessed one to be cherished. It was such a pleasure to enjoy some quiet time with this gorgeous mum to celebrate her second beautiful baby bump. And what a stunning, chilled out mum she is! Thank you for the privilege of capturing your family history. It has been a joy watching your family grow ♥♥



Denh Lay Photography


Denh Lay Photography


Sleepy Baby Bliss

Thinking of this beautiful boy and his family I photographed just before Christmas last year. We had to be patient for him to sleep as he was far more intent on taking in his curious new world but what a joy it was when he finally did… with a smile too :)  What a wonder it is to watch newborns experience the world then drift into the most peaceful, content sleep you could ever wish for.

Wishing you a bottomless jar of sweet dreams gorgeous boy xx

Tip: When photographing newborns indoors, keep room temperature quite warm. More comfortable and sleep inducing for baby :)









Hope and Happiness on Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! There is happy chaos in the kitchen as my husband attempts to prepare breakfast in bed for me with the ‘help’ of my girls. The sweet smells and sounds waft upstairs and I can’t help but hold a ridiculous smile. I feel blessed. Life is amazing.

Today though, I am also reminded of friends who have been less fortunate. Friends who have immeasurable love to give to a family yet to be and friends whose lives have been graced by little angels. Today my thoughts and love are with you all.

In the spirit of hope I am sharing the following images. This couple have endured incredible loss but through immense perseverance and hope, they now have the most precious baby girl to cherish. A calm and gorgeous baby whose eyes look into your soul and assure you everything is ok. She is Strength. She is Hope. She is Olivia.

My heartfelt thanks to the family for trusting me with their memories and for letting me share their story xx


Denh Lay Photography










Miss Indigo

Little Miss Indigo was an absolute delight and didn’t mind one bit when I set her down on a bed of fallen leaves and sticks (because I envisioned her as a little pixie in the forest ;)  She gazed around unperturbed and proceeded to gather a nutritious meal of gum leaves :)

Thank you Brigitte for introducing me to your lovely girls and thank you Amanda for enjoying the session with your beautiful bubba. I just love it when mums embrace being in the photos! Such a beautiful experience and moment, why not be present?






A Cheerful Season

I photograph kids at play, being themselves. That is what I do :) How very fortunate I am to be blessed with the support, opportunity, and passion to make this my reality. These are some of the magic moments that made my work that extra cheerful :)