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On Working Hard and Being Happy

A lovely client commented jokingly, that I work too hard. She’s right, I do! :P I don’t deny it, I have always believed that nothing you really desire comes without hard work. Once I commit to something, I will do my absolute best to make it happen. In January last year, I committed to my photography business. This little business has become my passion. It does more than support my family financially. It fuels my dreams and ambitions, and in doing so, supports both my professional and personal well being. Basically, it keeps me sane and happy :)

Is it just my happiness though? …Absolutely not.

I believe I am a better wife, mother, daughter, friend, and even photographer because I am a happy person. A person who is generally positive, supportive, and grateful. Grateful for life’s opportunities and the courage to take them. Grateful for supportive family, friends and clients. But most importantly, grateful for the amazing little beings who fill my life with joy and the incredible man behind this camera who has always believed in me.

So yes, I do believe in working hard … as long as you take the time to enjoy life too ;)


Family Photographer