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Monthly Archives: September 2021

How to DIY family portrait at home.

Our kids grow constantly (lockdown doesn’t change that) and those childhood years, milestones and quirky behaviours, they’re fleeting. Now I know what you’re thinking, I take plenty of photos of my kids. And of course you do. We are the mobile snapping generation after all. My question is, how many of them do you appear in? Not many I’m guessing. If we are going to leave our kids with 1000s of snaps of them growing up, don’t you think it would be awesome for some of those to show you were there?

Despite being locked down at home, I still wanted to update our family photos. I should preface though, this is the end result after numerous attempts. It wasn’t easy. All your frustrations and fears about how damn hard it is to get everyone looking or just in the one frame? Well, they apply to me too. Not when I’m photographing other families but definitely when I’m photographing my own!

So no, it isn’t easy, but why should it be? It’s not what you are trained to do or do regularly. Let’s first accept it’s hard for a reason (so I still have a job ;) Then you can tackle the following like you would a new recipe or youtube video on how to do something new. It’s possible. And you should attempt it. If not for a commemorative piece then for the laughs :)

Step 1: Get everyone on board.

Request and incentivise (bribe). The photo above is a Mother’s Day gift I requested from my family 😉

Yes, anyone with an objection needs to want to be there. That is actually the hardest bit. When I work with families, I go through ideas with the ‘organiser’ and if helpful, I also speak with those who need more info or encouragement (dads, older kids & extended family), letting them know how long it will take and what’s involved. Removing some of the uncertainty makes it all less daunting. Rewards after the event doesn’t hurt either. I’m all for making the whole experience exciting and fun which is why I never push the limits and leave you with unhappy children.

Step 2: Plan the details beforehand.

A family event out can be great fun but you would plan the event to avoid obvious stressors right? Check the weather, plan time, organise food or clothes etc. Well, likewise with the family photo too if you want people to put in a bit more effort than the usual group selfie. In fact when I work with families, the planning is a crucial part of the process because it sets us up for the best possible experience and result. Learning as much as I can about my families before a session means I can capture what’s meaningful to them and ensure the whole process is as stress-free as possible. DIY at home for a result you’d proudly display on your wall is no different.

  • Pick the location in your home where light and background is best. Clean up the area if necessary. Know where it’s going to happen so you’re not dragging everyone from spot to spot because… attention spans.
  • Decide on or accept clothing choices. Don’t argue or request wardrobe changes just before photos as it spoils the mood and guarantees a grumpy face.
  • Know what equipment you’re going to use (phone, DSLR?) and how you’re going to set it up. Do you need to prop it on top of a chair or stand and adjust height with books? Or are you using a tripod and at what height?

Step 3: Light, camera, action.

The moment’s here. Keep it brief. If you planned well, this step shouldn’t take too long. That way, you’ll have more of a chance for a repeat.

Camera set on tripod for DIY family photos.
  1. Wait for the light. I chose this spot in our backyard because the light is great early in the day and I really wanted to capture the autumn colours.
  2. Set up camera Prop or tripod and raise to appropriate height.
  3. Ask family to stand in the spot for framing purposes.
  4. Put camera on timer mode.
  5. If using a phone, make sure you tap onto the screen where the person is standing so that your phone camera exposes the photo correctly, ie. not too bright or dark. If you’re using a DSLR, check focus and exposure.
  6. Decide where you’re going to stand.
  7. Click. Run. Smile.
  8. Take a few :)

Step 4: Print your photo.

Whilst we have thousands of photos on our phones, how often do you really enjoy them? And how hard is it to find a particular photo you love? Moments are snapped and immediately forgotten. What happens if you lose that phone or the digital file is corrupted? Print your most precious moments, give them that extra life and love.

And if you want a more professional result, hire a professional :)

For that extra polished look digital photos can be improved with editing. Professionals usually add their style of editing to bring out the best light and colour in your photos. Here’s my original vs edited.

Taking family photos is my passion but I have to admit, DIY moments are less candid and there’s definitely less options to choose from. When I really don’t want to think about it and let someone else manage the kids so I can just enjoy the moment (and prepare myself a little), I book a professional. Like you, I value beautiful memories to treasure for years to come. They decorate my walls and remind me everyday what life is all about ❤️