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Yearly Archives: 2018

Be Seen In Your Family Memories

Parenthood requires a fair bit of selflessness. We put our kids first in almost every way. Being their personal nurse, chef, chauffeur, coach, PA… Our intentions are heartfelt but we can inadvertently become a bystander, constantly organising never participating. Family portraits for me is about helping mums and dads get back in the frame, for themselves and for their children. How wonderful to give your kids and family vivid memories of exactly how you cuddle, kiss or laugh. The memory is beyond precious, made more so when it can be seen and not just imagined. Take the time and be seen in your family’s photographic memories ❤️


Celebrating Family Milestones

Starting school is such a big step for most families. The growth in learning and independence takes little ones from preschool to wanna-be-teens almost overnight! 😆 It’s such a busy and challenging stage as the whole family adjusts to new routines… yet again. I love photographing this family stage because I know myself that with the blink of an eye, your kiddies are half way through primary school! So grateful for the opportunity to help families take the time to celebrate this significant milestone with some beautiful family portraits ❤️

Expressive And Fun Portrait Sessions

When you capture pure carefree joy ❤️
My focus in my family portrait sessions is always to create an environment where kids feel safe and confident to express themselves. Be crazy, be nutty, be quiet, be inquisitive. Be however they’re most comfortable being because isn’t that how we wish to remember them? So yes, I let them run wild a bit but rest assured, they always come back ;)



The Gift Of Memories

This family wanted to celebrate Nan’s special birthday in style and ended up purchasing a gift certificate for a family portrait session. Such an honour to be trusted to capture these precious moments for a special someone who obviously has everything she needs in her life. It was a joy to spend time in the glorious sun with this ultra cool family. Particularly loved bringing to life their ‘sunnies’ project. A true reflection of the fun loving family that they are 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

“Most painless photoshoot ever” said the men.
“That was actually fun. Denh is fun” said the kids!
“Can’t wait to see the photos” said the Mums 😊

And so grateful for kind words from Nan… “Thank you very very much for arranging this.  The photo shoot was such fun and today was lovely to be together to select the photos together.  Denh is a very nice person and it was a pleasure to spend time with her.  Please thank her sincerely on behalf of Dad and I”


Supporting Authentic Businesses

Over the years photographing families, I found myself naturally expanding to service a variety of local family businesses. Some through recommendations from my family clients and some are my family clients trusting me to showcase their business life as well as their family life. For this, I feel most honoured.

My insight into their family life and values helps me appreciate why their business is so important and gives me a better understanding of why they do what they do. This is significant because your ‘why’ gives your business authenticity and makes your claims believable. I just love the opportunity to work with such drive, authentic businesses who truly care about what they do and understand why they do it.

Photographed business owner Darlene’s gorgeous family in 2016 and loved getting to know her extended family at RAMS Heathmont. It was the 2nd time photographing this team too and how inspired I was to see them double in size over just 2 years. Love your community focus and dedication to truly give.


Newborn Bliss With Little Miss S

Newborn bliss ♥️ Those first 2 weeks when all they want to do is eat and sleep. If your newborn session occurs in this period, we’re more likely to get these dreamy moments. And trust me, these moments are to be treasured because they only grow more alert and eager to play :)

Loved my quiet time spent with little Miss S who was simply a perfect little model ♥️


Take A Moment, It’s Worth It

When you have wanted a beautiful family portrait for soooo long but have never had the time and you finally get round to doing it!!! With three kids under 7, I totally understand why time is an issue :) But as for all my families, you never regret doing it. They don’t stay this squishy for long! 😊

Absolutely thrilled to capture these stunning memories for this gorgeous, oh so laid back family :) Loved how warm and inviting this large feature canvas turned out too.


Celebrate Your Extended Family

Ever since losing dad extended family portraits, where all your closest loves are included for some beautiful memories, has gained a new level of importance for me. I have always enjoyed the opportunity but now I am intensely grateful. I have experienced first hand how invaluable those photographic memories are, how much they can transport you to a moment in time you so yearn for. It may be difficult to organise due to hectic schedules, unmotivated members or illness but one thing for sure, you will never regret doing it. The result is something the whole family, young and old, can cherish for life.

If you are willing to make the time, it will be my absolute mission and pleasure to give you your treasured memories.

Take the opportunity to celebrate the life you have created, the loves who make you whole, and indeed your greatest achievements.


From Your Family to Your Business

Love a local, family business that truly cares for the clients they help! I have worked with the wonderful team at The Hendrie Group for over 6 years. From family portraits for individual members (7 in this team photo!!!), to business photography as they grew, to utilising their business mentoring, tax, and financial services. Our partnership just makes sense and I feel so fortunate to have found them. If you need a team who supports and cares about your financial freedom, I recommend giving them a call.

For this project, we wanted to showcase not only the friendly individuals within the business but the specialist teams trained to support specific client needs.


Bark & I

Animal adoption is not for everyone, because it takes a special someone. You must be able to love unconditionally and have patience like no other. They may come with baggage, they may not have had the benefit of true love, or they may simply have outlived their beloved owner. To rescue such animals is indeed a life choice and thank goodness for Bark the senior, her special someone found her. And for 1 year, 6  months and 16 days, they gave each other the sweetest memories that only the truest friendships can create.

Thank you for trusting me to capture these for you knowing the end was near. May they bring life to your memories and joy to your heart ❤️❤️