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Monthly Archives: June 2015

Creating Positive Birth Experiences


Whether you’re having your first, second or third child, we all experience anxiety that can hinder our birth experiences. My first born took a marathon 36hrs to arrive via caesarean after a variety of non-medicinal and medicinal assistance to coach her out naturally failed. My 2nd came in less than 6hrs naturally. Two very different birth experiences that I treasure deeply. In hindsight I knew so little of the birthing process. Never have I been so under prepared for an event, let alone such a dramatic one. There was a certain amount of fear that came from not knowing what was happening internally and a blind, nervous acceptance that things will just progress ‘naturally’. How different my experiences would have been had I understood more or had I been better equipped when things didn’t go as planned.

Born out of these ‘epiphanies’ rose my desire to collaborate with some amazingly nurturing women, Esther from The Inner Woman, Anneke from Pregnancy Care, and Dianne from DizBowen (whom I’ve had the pleasure of photographing with her beautiful family). On 20th June, we are running a free information session ‘How to Take the Fear Factor out of Birth’ for expecting mums. Attendees will learn about the birthing process, relaxation strategies, the benefits of pregnancy massage, a quick guide to baby massage, the importance of a breast feeding plan, and some easy tips to improving your home photography so you may capture all those amazing milestones after the birth!



Whether you are a new mum-to-be or a seasoned expecting mum, you will take away some insight that will support your new birth experience. There will also be gift bags and door prizes for private consultations, massages, & photography sessions because we really want you there!! :) And if you know someone who may benefit, please feel free to share.

When: Saturday 20th June, 2 – 4pm

Where: Japara Neighbourhood House, 54-58 Durham Rd, Kilsyth

Full details here. Places are limited. Bookings essential!

If have any questions for me or want to book with me directly, just call 0413 703 150 or email