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Yearly Archives: 2015

4 Tips to a Great Family Portrait Session

Each family I have the opportunity to work with is different. I meet a variety of people who book me because we share a love for natural family portraiture. If you are interested in engaging a professional photographer to capture your cherished family moments, here are 4 tips I have found that work towards a fantastic family portrait session. And before you think…too hard, let me suggest that it’s not work when it’s fun ;)

1. Know the style and mood of family photography you love.

What family photos speak to you the most? Do you love bright and funny, serious and earthy, or soft and whimsical? You might ‘like’ them all but the important question is, does that style reflect my family? Can I see us in that photo? Write down 5 words that best describe your family.

This family knew the style they were after and sent me samples of photos they love which clearly helps me understand what resonates with them as a  family.


2. Research photographers that can deliver the style you love.

If you love outdoor portraits, don’t book a studio only photographer. Browse websites and Facebook pages to get a feel for the overall quality and style of a photographer you’re interested in. Family portraits is a valuable experience that we don’t do all too often. Don’t waste the opportunity. Do some research.

I have a Pinterest board that has a collection of my family portrait work. A quick glimpse will give you a sense of my style.


3. Be involved in planning.

I love incorporating ideas and thoughts of my families as this makes the photos more personal to them. I also love it when clients share stories about their family the dynamics at play. The more discussion during the planning stage, the better the result. The question is do you just want a photo of your family or do you want a meaningful family portrait that you will admire and value in years to come?

This fun and cheerful family had lots of ideas which we had so much fun bringing to life, including this one to celebrate Missy’s new found skill in jumping :)


4. Enjoy spending time with your family.

The day has arrived. The key is to take it as it comes and appreciate that plans don’t always go to plan. A good photographer will be able to work with whatever the day may bring. As I always tell my families, the day will literally be a relaxing walk in the park. Just enjoy spending time with your family and I’ll take care of the rest :)


Goodbye Sandy

We bid farewell to our beloved Labrador, Sandy, early Monday morning. A dear friend of 11 years, a much loved family member, and in truth my first baby boy.

He was a gentle, fun loving soul known for his cross legged elegance. He was adventurous and tough, surviving being hit by a motorbike, his first bout of cancer, and an escape from a sitter’s home that led him and his brother across a busy freeway. He loved the beach and did the most impressive horizontal dives and belly whacks. We will miss the laughter and joy he brought into our lives.

Sandy, in your final weeks when the illness took you so rapidly, it was an honour to care for you and to thank you for all your years of dedication and love. It was heartbreaking to see your health decline but we are so grateful to have been there with you through till the end. Letting you go is one of the hardest things I have ever experienced. The moment you left us was gut wrenching and left me gasping for air. We will miss you dearly.

Rest in peace my beautiful boy xxoo

The sun will be out,
Morning is nigh,
We will hold you into the light.

Be free from this world,
But not from our hearts,
Let sleep not keep us apart.









Take Time To Celebrate Your Family

As families grow, it naturally gets harder to portion time and energy to each and every child. I see it in families I’ve photographed over the years as well as my own. eg. For your first you may have organised newborn portraits, toddler portraits, school age portraits but for your 2nd and 3rd you’re lucky to organise Santa photos. It’s not that you value them less, life just gets too busy. Too busy to get yourself an annual haircut let alone organise family portraits. But I’m here to say it’s never too late and that the visual, tangible memories you get to pass down to your children is so worth the effort.

I know I struggle with time myself but I want my children to look back and see that they were equally adored. That they are each amazing, beautiful, unique in their own way and that their differences were noticed, nurtured and loved. That amongst all the ‘busy’ I found time to celebrate our family.


Family Portraits















Creating Positive Birth Experiences


Whether you’re having your first, second or third child, we all experience anxiety that can hinder our birth experiences. My first born took a marathon 36hrs to arrive via caesarean after a variety of non-medicinal and medicinal assistance to coach her out naturally failed. My 2nd came in less than 6hrs naturally. Two very different birth experiences that I treasure deeply. In hindsight I knew so little of the birthing process. Never have I been so under prepared for an event, let alone such a dramatic one. There was a certain amount of fear that came from not knowing what was happening internally and a blind, nervous acceptance that things will just progress ‘naturally’. How different my experiences would have been had I understood more or had I been better equipped when things didn’t go as planned.

Born out of these ‘epiphanies’ rose my desire to collaborate with some amazingly nurturing women, Esther from The Inner Woman, Anneke from Pregnancy Care, and Dianne from DizBowen (whom I’ve had the pleasure of photographing with her beautiful family). On 20th June, we are running a free information session ‘How to Take the Fear Factor out of Birth’ for expecting mums. Attendees will learn about the birthing process, relaxation strategies, the benefits of pregnancy massage, a quick guide to baby massage, the importance of a breast feeding plan, and some easy tips to improving your home photography so you may capture all those amazing milestones after the birth!



Whether you are a new mum-to-be or a seasoned expecting mum, you will take away some insight that will support your new birth experience. There will also be gift bags and door prizes for private consultations, massages, & photography sessions because we really want you there!! :) And if you know someone who may benefit, please feel free to share.

When: Saturday 20th June, 2 – 4pm

Where: Japara Neighbourhood House, 54-58 Durham Rd, Kilsyth

Full details here. Places are limited. Bookings essential!

If have any questions for me or want to book with me directly, just call 0413 703 150 or email


Celebrate Your Family

There are many reasons to treasure your family. Everyone is built differently and I cherish the opportunity to discover their uniqueness each and every time. If you are a busy family overwhelmed by how quickly your children are growing and desire some personalised artwork that is meaningful to you and celebrates your family then I’d love to meet you. To learn about you and to help stop time so that you can always be reminded of all that you have accomplished.

….Meet Master J. Carefree, exuberant, and totally in love with trains, life, and his cosy little nook ♥

(And if you love his gorgeous mandarin-collared shirt and linen pants, check out The Bear & The Whale. Clever mumma pictured below is also the owner and designer of beautiful baby and toddler wear found at Li’l Zippers)





Denh Lay Photography






Beautiful Baby Bump

Whether you’re pregnant with your first, second or fifth, you can never be fully prepared for the miracle or the experience. It is neither an easy nor comfortable time but certainly a blessed one to be cherished. It was such a pleasure to enjoy some quiet time with this gorgeous mum to celebrate her second beautiful baby bump. And what a stunning, chilled out mum she is! Thank you for the privilege of capturing your family history. It has been a joy watching your family grow ♥♥



Denh Lay Photography


Denh Lay Photography


Sleepy Baby Bliss

Thinking of this beautiful boy and his family I photographed just before Christmas last year. We had to be patient for him to sleep as he was far more intent on taking in his curious new world but what a joy it was when he finally did… with a smile too :)  What a wonder it is to watch newborns experience the world then drift into the most peaceful, content sleep you could ever wish for.

Wishing you a bottomless jar of sweet dreams gorgeous boy xx

Tip: When photographing newborns indoors, keep room temperature quite warm. More comfortable and sleep inducing for baby :)





