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Monthly Archives: December 2014

5 Easy Tips to Great Holiday Photos

Our family loves spending time by the beach. This holiday will be no different and I am always looking for new ways to photograph each occasion. Here’s 5 easy tips I always follow to create fun and interesting holiday photos. For more tips check out this post from the archives.

Denh Lay Photography


1. Try a different angle.

Think of how you would normally photograph something and try a different angle.  Try shooting over it, under it etc…

Here I used my underwater compact camera and shot upwards towards my daughter instead of downwards from above the water. In this photo we were actually in a resort pool where the water is much clearer for photos than the beach.





Denh Lay Photography

2. Capture experiences unique to your holiday or location.

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that you simply don’t do at home that make the holiday unique. Capturing these experiences will help jog memories of the holiday in years to come.

Here my 3.5yo is feeling the texture of the shells she found on the beach. She would close her eyes to concentrate. Something I found so endearing that she just doesn’t ordinarily do at home.





Denh Lay Photography


3. Photograph people in action.

Action shots can take you right back to the moment. Use this to help tell the story of what you actually did on your holidays.

Here I bent down low to my 3.5yo’s height and photographed her view of her sister sketching in the sand. Often photographing upwards at a slight angle can add a bit of drama.








Denh Lay Photography

4. Focus on details

Narrow your focus to what delighted you most. Capture the moment and the photo will always make you nostalgic.

This photo is of the setting sun through our bathroom blinds. Makes me sleepy just thinking about it :)






Denh Lay Photography

5. Play with reflections

Whether it’s on the beach, in the pool or in mirrors, reflections make interesting photos. At the beach, a good time to catch these beautiful still moments is early  in the morning or at sunset. Take a stroll and get ready to be mesmerised.

Precious Mother Daughter Moments

When marriage celebrant Jacqueline spoke of her desire to capture the close mother daughter bond she has with her 8yo, I was thrilled for her! We mums are generally the ones behind the camera and too often I speak to parents who rarely include themselves in their daily captures. Digital photography is so accessible and easy that we take tonnes of photos of our children but how many show we were there? That we participated and shared an experience? In years to come, I won’t remember which events I was able to attend but photos will attest that I was present as often as I could be, that I savoured every moment, and I was beside them every step of the way.

Enjoy this heartwarming session of a mum and her gorgeous daughter whom she fondly describes as “growing out of childhood”. ♥♥


Family Portrait Photography




