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Monthly Archives: September 2014

3 Tips To Telling Stories With Photos

Really excited about my first school holiday workshop for kids running this Tuesday. Details are here. If you missed out and want to find out about future workshops, send me an email and I’ll make sure you’re amongst the first to know.

In the workshop I am going to teach some simple ways to tell stories with a series of photos. A single photo can describe one object/place/feeling but a series of well connected photos can tell a story about a object/place/feeling with much more depth.

1. Identify what’s important to the story

Is it a person, an object, the environment or all three? Make sure you take a photo of the most important element to give focus to the story.

2. Try different perspectives

More often than not we bring our camera to our eyes, stand up straight, and click. What this means is that a majority of our photos are taken from one perspective. Experiment with different points of view by bending down low (eg. to a child’s eye level) or positioning for a more bird’s eye view (eg. to photograph above a crowd of people).

3. Get in close

Whether you are photographing people or objects, try moving closer. Fill the frame with your subject or object so that special details can be clearly seen.


Denh Lay Photography


Six Decades of Love

In my ‘work’ I get to meet a lot of interesting, wonderful people. I love learning about individuals, families and their stories. Some leave such lasting impressions that I find myself thinking about them long after the photos are taken. I believe we have much to learn from each other and the more we open our heart and listen, the more we have to gain.

I met this sweet couple, Theodore and Eileen early this month for Theordore’s big birthday. The fact that they live next door to their daughter is an indication of how connected this family is. Upon meeting them, I am immediately drawn into a warm and nostalgic conversation about their life in India, their travels, their previous home, and their 62 years of marriage! :) They have had their adventures and now thrive on beautiful memories with a family that comes together when it counts and holds hands because they love each other.

I was charmed, enriched, and inspired.


Denh Lay Photography




School Holiday Workshop for Little Shutterbugs

Denh Lay Photography


Do you have a little shutter bug in your family? I have two and I love it when they explore photographically. Whether it’s with my phone, their barbie camera, or my SLR, it really doesn’t matter. I just love seeing their perspective of the world.

During the upcoming school holidays (Spring 2014) I will be combining my love of photography and my children’s love of craft to create a unique school holiday workshop. I am so excited by the opportunity and cannot wait to share the results with you!

The morning workshop will start with some outdoor fun in the beautiful Wyreena gardens where each child will photograph what they love. Photos will then be printed out and used to produce photographic coasters. Each child will take home their own set on the day to remind them of their adventures.

So if fun and useful craft to keep kids busy during the school holidays gets you excited too then do book early. Workshop is limited to 10 children only.


Workshop: Photographic Art

Date: Tues 30th Sept, 2014

Time: 10:00am – 11:30am

Aimed at ages: 7-10 years

Venue: Wyreena Community Arts Centre, 13-23 Hull Rd, Croydon

Cost: $26 (includes materials)

Bookings: Wyreena 9294 5590  OR

* Limited to 10 children. Parents are welcome to attend or enjoy a cuppa at the Wyreena Conservatory Cafe.

** If you have younger children and would be interested in a future workshop more catered to their little fingers, please let me know via  If there’s enough interest, I’d love to plan one for next time :)

Denh Lay Photography

(Sourced from Pinterest)



Father’s Day Heros

Happy Father’s Day to all you wonderfully tolerant, resilient, thoughtful dads out there! Know that you will always be the greatest superhero in the eyes of your children ♥

“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.” – said someone wise.


Denh Lay Photography



Denh Lay Photography