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Monthly Archives: August 2014

Making Time For Family Portraits

I celebrated my birthday yesterday and was thoroughly spoiled all weekend. It was a perfect time to reflect on the abundance of love I am so fortunate to have around me. I have friends with much less who struggle without support. I don’t express my gratitude enough. I don’t know if many do. Life is busy and there is always something on. Take a moment, be happy, and marvel at all you have accomplished.

I did that yesterday and made time for a new family portrait to celebrate my greatest love. I took my family outside, sat us down in the best light, and set my camera on a tripod. It was fiddly and kept me fit, running back and forth using a timer, but we captured some beautiful moments. Thankfully my father in law picked up my camera and took a few more :) … My greatest achievements in life captured, so that I may always gaze upon them with immense joy, pride and gratitude.


Family Portraits



