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Monthly Archives: May 2014

Hope and Happiness on Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! There is happy chaos in the kitchen as my husband attempts to prepare breakfast in bed for me with the ‘help’ of my girls. The sweet smells and sounds waft upstairs and I can’t help but hold a ridiculous smile. I feel blessed. Life is amazing.

Today though, I am also reminded of friends who have been less fortunate. Friends who have immeasurable love to give to a family yet to be and friends whose lives have been graced by little angels. Today my thoughts and love are with you all.

In the spirit of hope I am sharing the following images. This couple have endured incredible loss but through immense perseverance and hope, they now have the most precious baby girl to cherish. A calm and gorgeous baby whose eyes look into your soul and assure you everything is ok. She is Strength. She is Hope. She is Olivia.

My heartfelt thanks to the family for trusting me with their memories and for letting me share their story xx


Denh Lay Photography







