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Yearly Archives: 2013

The Stones

With two little princesses, I cannot even imagine how busy a mum of three active boys would be! Three distinct personalities that blend together so wonderfully :) I am also so impressed by the eldest two, who participated in the World’s Greatest Shave to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation. What a credit to them indeed for being so brave and giving.

Thank you for the opportunity to create these beautiful memories. Hope life continues to be blissfully busy :)







The Koay Clan

This session was so much fun and full of gorgeousness. I love this age of exploration and expression. So uninhibited to be whomever they wish, be it rockstar, adventurer, karate kid, ballerina or just plain sweet :) Having adorable parents with such great heart helps too ♥

PS: The beautiful floral dresses are lovingly handmade by super mum herself. Check out Grace’s designs at Lillypilly Handmade.








Miss Indigo

Little Miss Indigo was an absolute delight and didn’t mind one bit when I set her down on a bed of fallen leaves and sticks (because I envisioned her as a little pixie in the forest ;)  She gazed around unperturbed and proceeded to gather a nutritious meal of gum leaves :)

Thank you Brigitte for introducing me to your lovely girls and thank you Amanda for enjoying the session with your beautiful bubba. I just love it when mums embrace being in the photos! Such a beautiful experience and moment, why not be present?






Photographing Shy Kids

I enjoyed a fun session last week with two adorable little boys. Big brother was all ready to go but little brother was most comfortable in his head down state with eyes averted. It was a challenging session but with much persistence we did get some wonderful shots which I know mum will love. This situation is so common though that I was inspired to write this blog.

You see, despite the common belief that all kids love the camera, some simply … don’t. They’ve either grown sick of our paparazzi style coverage or they simply don’t enjoy posing for our satisfaction, much to our surprise! I have seen this aversion to the camera in all age groups. Toddlers can feel insecure and young teens can feel self conscious. In fact, it’s a scenario I deal with in a majority of my sessions.

So what do I suggest to my clients who are concerned about their ‘unwilling’ kids and not getting ‘the’ shot? … Relax. Enjoy. Trust.

Relax on the day because your energy affects their energy. If you are stressed and nervous, chances are your children will sense it and reciprocate. I have seen this far too often to ignore, especially with my own kids.

Enjoy the day because it is not an everyday experience. You’ve put a lot of effort in getting the family organised … and dressed :) Now enjoy. The rest frankly, is up to the photographer, me. That leads to my next important suggestion.

Trust that I will do everything I can to create the images you desire. Trust that I will seek your help when I need it. Trust that I have enough experience with kids of all ages to work with them, to gain their trust, to help them share their personality … willingly. There is no set method, every child is different but here’s some things I try to do:

– Relate to what makes them happy

– Encourage but not insist on their participation

– Give them space

– Have fun. Be silly :)


Ultimately, I don’t want your children to simply put on a smile for the camera, I want them to enjoy the experience and smile because it makes them happy :)

My last blog post (click here) is a great example of a typical session that can start with much introspection and end with much delight.


The Kilroys

I crossed paths with mumma Kilroy :) through an online charity auction, in which we both donated to, over a year ago. I finally got to meet Lauren and her beautiful family in January. A privileged experience because not only was it a rare opportunity for the busy family, it was Chloe’s birthday! Thank you, for trusting me to capture your children’s endearing personalities and natural moments of family bliss.

PS: If you’d love some funky boys clothing, check out Lauren’s Boystrous designs here or her Facebook page here.


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The Finchams

So privileged to have had the opportunity to create these sunlit portraits for Robbie and her family. You see, its been over 10 years, when the twin girls were 6 months old, since they’ve had a family portrait taken! You may gasp but it’s such a common story. The demands of a growing family, busy schedules, and the general chaos of family life makes these opportunities pretty rare.

Thank you Robbie for rounding up the troops. I’m so glad you agree it was worth the effort! :)

PS: Robbie works as a civil celebrant and if you’re after someone who’s meticulous and personable, check out her website here. Great business portrait too, wouldn’t you say? hehe..


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Happy Chinese New Year! 2013

Realised this week that my kids know very little about Chinese New Year. They are still young but I could do more. Especially given Christmas is anticipated from October these days!

So… 新年快乐  or “Sun Nin Faai Lok”, meaning Happy New Year in Cantonese, is the phrase of the day :) Wishing the year of the Water Snake brings you much happiness and prosperity.

For those interested in finding out their Chinese Zodiac go here.

For those interested in Feng Shui and a more detailed analysis of what the year means for you, grab a cuppa and go here.

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I have been chatting with Jackie about her photo shoot since Oct last year. Her mother had set a wonderful example by having her portrait taken at 70+ years old. A beautiful framed heirloom that generations later can cherish. After achieving amazing things with her health over the last few years (going to the gym 2-3 times a week!), Jackie thought it high time to create a tradition. Thank you Jackie for your trust .. and the kick in the butt about my own exercise goals :)

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Counting Blessings for 2013

2012 was a year of exciting adventures, both professionally and personally. I committed to a major career change and ‘started’ my own business, we moved into our new home that took 12 months to build, we had our first family holiday overseas, I skydived from 14,000ft for charity, and I overcame my public speaking fears to give my first photography presentation! It was an eventful year and I am so truly grateful for every opportunity and the incredible support that helped me seize them!

As I embark on 2013 I reflect on my most treasured blessings. Their love gives me strength and their joy gives me reason.

“I love you to the moon and back…plus 15 dollars!”, Jade 4yo.