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Monthly Archives: July 2013

The Eggletons

It was a chilly winter morning and the grass was still coated in frost. Yet, this is one of my warmest winter sessions to date. Not only because of the beautiful morning sun that ensued but the beautiful personalities that brought so much joy and warmth to this session. Thank you Eggletons for trusting me to find not one but three bridges ;), and for being such an easy going, fun family to photograph. I am so happy you love these family memories as much as I do. They are exactly what I like to capture, joyous moments bathed in gorgeous light :)


CLOTHING TIP: Similar hues to blend

One option I usually suggest to families is to style everyone in similar hues. Pick 2-3 colours you love and just work around that. In this session, the Eggletons chose blue and purple. I love that they didn’t just go all girls in purple and boys in blue. I love too that the youngest and only son went with something completely different but still in the same tone. He is connected in colour but obviously stands out in the family ;) Great work Nikki and so worth the effort! 


Family portrait


Family Photographer

Family Photographer




On Working Hard and Being Happy

A lovely client commented jokingly, that I work too hard. She’s right, I do! :P I don’t deny it, I have always believed that nothing you really desire comes without hard work. Once I commit to something, I will do my absolute best to make it happen. In January last year, I committed to my photography business. This little business has become my passion. It does more than support my family financially. It fuels my dreams and ambitions, and in doing so, supports both my professional and personal well being. Basically, it keeps me sane and happy :)

Is it just my happiness though? …Absolutely not.

I believe I am a better wife, mother, daughter, friend, and even photographer because I am a happy person. A person who is generally positive, supportive, and grateful. Grateful for life’s opportunities and the courage to take them. Grateful for supportive family, friends and clients. But most importantly, grateful for the amazing little beings who fill my life with joy and the incredible man behind this camera who has always believed in me.

So yes, I do believe in working hard … as long as you take the time to enjoy life too ;)


Family Photographer

The Allens

I first created a family portrait for the Allens in 2011 when Carolyn was still pregnant with baby Harrison. I was so excited to get another opportunity to photograph this beautiful family. We were blessed with amazing weather and these golden boys took turns making me work! :) There was a lot of tree climbing and chasing… in aaallllll different directions :) It reminded me how much I truly marvel any mum of three, let alone, three boys!

Thank you once again for the opportunity to renew your family memories. Loved spending time in the sunshine with you all x

Family Photographer


Family Photographer


Family Photographer

Family Photographer
