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Yearly Archives: 2013


Meet Hannah… and remember this face. She is only 14 but has so much talent and drive, I am sure you will see more of her in years to come. She also happens to be my cousin’s daughter so I was very excited to share a little part of her journey. We wanted to capture a diverse portfolio of images that reflected her style and personality. I LOVE what we have created here gorgeous girl and I wish you the very best on your path to success! ♥

Denh Lay Photography




Denh Lay Photography



Check out Hannah singing, ‘If I ruled the world’ by Big Time Rush….. :)

5 Tips to Memorable Holiday Photos

It has been nearly 3 months since our family holiday in Fiji and our photos still have the ability to take us back to ‘that moment’ when they were taken. Photos can do that. Create a lasting memory. So, here is my top 5 tips for creating memorable travel photos.


1.Travel itself is exciting. Capture the excitement.

As they say, it’s the journey. Capture not only their excitement but also what they are excited about. Unlike most adults, the joy of the journey is not lost upon kids.

Tip: For arial shots, hold camera as close to window as possible and turn off the flash.  


Denh Lay Photography


2. New environments that captivate. Capture that happy place.

When I think of Fiji, I think of it’s beautiful waters and the tall coconut trees that line it’s skyline and beaches. I remember strolling through the long expanse of sand, admiring the coral, the schools of fish and the blue star fish!

Tip: Step back. Include landmarks for perspective to add detail to the story.



3. Cultural differences. Participate.

If you are fortunate enough to experience a different culture during your travels, capture what made it memorable. For me, it’s always the people. Followed closely by the food :) There’s much to be learnt like tradition and respect. These photos allow me to recount stories and relive experiences with greater clarity.

Tip: When photographing ceremonies, request permission before it begins. Be discreet but never secretive. Smile and show appreciation.


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4. Remember the simple things they loved doing most.

My 3yo’s favourite memories of Fiji are around ‘our’ beach and the hundreds of hermit crabs that lived on it. She loved drawing on the sand as this was about when she learnt to write her own name. My 5yo on the other hand would have lived in the pool if we let her!

Tip: Try different perspectives with children. Get down to their level for a more personal image. Make it a game for older children who are less willing to be photographed. With the underwater shots, we were trying to capture a mermaid ;)


Denh Lay Photography

Denh Lay Photography


5. Treasure the ‘time out’ allowed with holidays. The reason you go in the first place.

No matter how many exciting things we do on holiday, the most important thing will always be the opportunity to spend quality time as a family. A ‘time out’ from the hectic life at home. So enjoy the quiet moments and if possible, capture it :) This beautiful photo of my husband and our girls is my absolute favourite from this trip. It sums up everything we are working towards as a family. Happiness, love, and the opportunity to enjoy life in a heavenly place like Fiji.

Tip: Step out from behind the camera. Pack a mini tripod. Hand over your camera to a friend. Be a part of your family’s history ♥ 


The Smiles at Pooh Bears House ELC

Both my girls attend a wonderful early learning centre mins drive from home. I remember visiting 5 others before choosing them. 4 years on and I am more than happy with this decision so when I was asked to do their annual photos this year, I was more than pleased to help out.

The fast paced, high volume style of ‘school’ photos though is quite different to the intimate, relaxed family portrait sessions that I am more used to. Lets just say, my fitness was challenged!

Over 3 days I chased, charmed and photographed over 130 pre-schoolers. The constant energy and problem solving required reminded me of the wedding photography I used to do… only this was much more demanding on my negotiation skills! ;) I wanted to photograph the kids being their natural, vibrant, happy selves which was sometimes hard to achieve on a 5mins per child schedule but we managed, with very few tears and I’ve learn’t so much in the process.

Check out just a few of the happy and confident munchkins at Pooh Bears House Early Learning Centre :)

Denh Lay Photography






Denh Lay Photography






What To Wear – Part 1

A photography session with me is a relaxed affair. I always assure my clients that it will be a stress free experience. One that kids and adults will enjoy. Having said that, the preparation for the day does tend to create some anxiety with parents. Particularly mums who are generally responsible for getting everyone there in the first place…as well as looking their best. So, it’s not a surprise that the most frequently discussed topic in my pre session chats is always ‘what to wear’ :)

As a result, I’m starting a new series of styling posts to help my clients and anyone struggling with what to wear to a professional portrait session. I should first ‘reveal’ that I am no fashion expert (haha!). I just know what looks great photographically. Over the next few posts, I will show you examples of kids/parents outfits in popular colours and styles. Finally, I will show you what I selected for my own tribe when we had our family portraits done recently. Very excited to share that!


So firstly, my 2 BEST tips:

1/ Avoid big patterns & logos

– These will be distracting in photos and draw attention away from faces.

2/ Style with similar colours

– Pick 2 main colours you love for the family and incorporate other similar tones in through accessories like belts, cardigans, shoes. The similar tones create a sense of unity and looks fantastic for the family portrait.


COLOURS Let’s start with the popular PINK as an example.

I never used to be a pink person… until I had 2 girls of my own! Now I love it :)

  • Complement with similar tones of reds or creams
  • Introduce 1 contrasting colour, like black or blue, either through 1 article of clothing or accessories
  • The pink can be the theme or it can be the feature that pops.
  • Bring out personalities with the styling. eg. Casual, active, adventurous, soft, gentle

kids pink outfit1















Source: Pinterest Link


This is a perfect example of a pink theme :)

pink theme outfit
























Source: Pinterest Link


This is a great example of a pink feature that pops.

pink feature















Source: Pinterest Link


…And boys can rock pink too! ;)

Pink boy outfits

Source: Pintrest Link


Some ideas for mums. I personally love the pale pink with grey!

DLP Pink Mum2

















Source: Pintrest Link



DLP Pink Mum4


















Source: Pintrest Link


And for dads?? … Love this outfit ;)



DLP Dad1
























Source: Pintrest Link

The Hendrie Clan

I met the vivacious Caren Hendrie at a council function last year. As a business woman, she is knowledgeable, driven and successful. As a person, she is generous, enthusiastic and genuine. I am so grateful for her guidance and the support network she has introduced me to through her business mentoring. If you haven’t figured it out yet, she is the vibrant red head below, beaming amongst her gorgeous family.

Thank you Hendrie clan for the opportunity to create these family portraits for you all. Such a special gathering that I am sure you will agree, was well worth the effort :)


Family Photographer

Family Photographer


Family Photographer





How To Photograph Groups of Kids

I photograph a lot of extended family portraits. Love seeing the special bond between cousins and how they fuel each other’s cheekiness and imagination! How wonderful it is to build on these relationships and future support network. I have 13 cousins in Canada and 2 here in Melbourne. I wish we had the opportunity to gather more often.

So, here’s my 4 tips for photographing groups of kids (young and old):

1. Common interest:

Discover or create a common interest and topic that will grab all their attention. eg. cookie monster, bubbles, aunty Caz! Use sparingly so it doesn’t lose it’s effectiveness when you need it most.

2. Remove distractions:

If you really want that shot with everyone looking at the camera then remove distractions and direct their collective gaze towards your camera. Position parents and onlookers together behind you or out of sight completely to avoid confused kids looking at various directions.

3. Make eye contact:

Once you’ve framed your shot and focused, come out from behind the camera to make eye contact. This is the most effective way to get attention and engage with your little audience.

4. Wear reindeer ears!

No kidding! Variations include colourful hats or anything that lights up :)


Denh Lay Photography

Challenges and Awards

There are a thousand reasons why I love working from home and running my own photography business. One of the biggest challenges though is that I am generally working solo. This can be great for productivity as there’s no distractions but not so great when it comes to generating and developing new creative ideas. It’s just too easy to be complacent.

Hence, one of my goals this year was to invest in more creative development. Aside from pursuing personal projects, I have been trying to be more involved with the photographic industry as a whole. To venture a bit beyond my little bubble in the hope that I may develop my craft and consequently, improve my business.

In July, I entered the annual Victorian Professional Photography Awards. It was a daunting, stressful and nerve racking experience …but one which I thoroughly enjoyed. The whole process forced me to reach out to more experienced photographers who willingly spent hours chatting with me, sharing their knowledge. It forced me to learn new editing techniques that will improve what I offer in my business. Most importantly though, it fostered a larger circle of peers and mentors whom I now call friends :) So, regardless of the result, I feel I have gained immensely.

Speaking of the result though, I am proud to say that my entry (below) in the Family Portrait category did earn a silver award. I am grateful that my ability to capture joyful family portraits was recognised. I am grateful that I am learning.


Denh Lay Photography

Framing and Displaying Your Images

Just spent the last 2 hrs putting this blog together. There is most likely something similar out there but like most of my client work, I love to customise! :) 

Along with some specialty photographic products offered in my studio, I also offer the traditional framed or unframed matted gift prints which come in various sizes. Speaking with past and returning clients who have purchased these, I get the feeling the process of choosing where and how to hang artwork can be quite difficult. Before you know it, months have passed and images are still waiting to be hung.

4 Ways I Help My Clients:

1. I always ask my clients to think about where they want to hang wall pieces before their ordering session so there is a purpose for their purchases. Products already have a home when they get there.

2. I now ask clients to take photos of their possible wall spaces, including surrounding furniture, and bring along to their ordering sessions. This visual aid can assist with their decision making and enables me to custom design artwork for a particular space.

3. I offer a framing service because it means one less task for my clients to do. DIY framing can be fun but takes time and quality can vary greatly. I use a trusted professional framer and only offer quality frames that I know will stand the test of time without buckling or falling apart.

4. Finally, for my local clients, I am even happy to do a home visit to look at options and offer immediate suggestions. In the end I want all my clients to be able to enjoy their beautiful memories.

Display Ideas:

Below are some effective configurations for displaying your wall art. Keep it simple and balanced unless it is an angled space like along a stairway. If you prefer a quirkier design then keep the number of frames to a minimum so that the design doesn’t detract from the images or artwork itself.






The Eggletons

It was a chilly winter morning and the grass was still coated in frost. Yet, this is one of my warmest winter sessions to date. Not only because of the beautiful morning sun that ensued but the beautiful personalities that brought so much joy and warmth to this session. Thank you Eggletons for trusting me to find not one but three bridges ;), and for being such an easy going, fun family to photograph. I am so happy you love these family memories as much as I do. They are exactly what I like to capture, joyous moments bathed in gorgeous light :)


CLOTHING TIP: Similar hues to blend

One option I usually suggest to families is to style everyone in similar hues. Pick 2-3 colours you love and just work around that. In this session, the Eggletons chose blue and purple. I love that they didn’t just go all girls in purple and boys in blue. I love too that the youngest and only son went with something completely different but still in the same tone. He is connected in colour but obviously stands out in the family ;) Great work Nikki and so worth the effort! 


Family portrait


Family Photographer

Family Photographer




On Working Hard and Being Happy

A lovely client commented jokingly, that I work too hard. She’s right, I do! :P I don’t deny it, I have always believed that nothing you really desire comes without hard work. Once I commit to something, I will do my absolute best to make it happen. In January last year, I committed to my photography business. This little business has become my passion. It does more than support my family financially. It fuels my dreams and ambitions, and in doing so, supports both my professional and personal well being. Basically, it keeps me sane and happy :)

Is it just my happiness though? …Absolutely not.

I believe I am a better wife, mother, daughter, friend, and even photographer because I am a happy person. A person who is generally positive, supportive, and grateful. Grateful for life’s opportunities and the courage to take them. Grateful for supportive family, friends and clients. But most importantly, grateful for the amazing little beings who fill my life with joy and the incredible man behind this camera who has always believed in me.

So yes, I do believe in working hard … as long as you take the time to enjoy life too ;)


Family Photographer