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Monthly Archives: June 2012

5 Tips to Great Mobile Phone Photos

I love taking photos of my kids on my DSLRs for the creative control they provide but when we’re out and about, my best camera is usually my mobile phone. After all, I do believe that great imagery is more often about the moment, the light and not necessarily the gear. So, if you’re a prolific mobile phone snapper and want to improve your photos of your kids, you’ll love my top 5 tips for great mobile photography :) …. (and don’t miss the super short 30sec slideshow at the end too!).


1/ Look for interesting objects to frame your child

I love photographing in playgrounds because they’re full of great props that could be used to frame your child! Whether I’m using a DSLR or mobile phone, I try to fill the screen with the ‘frame’ which helps draw attention to the face. Just make sure your phone is ready when they ‘pop’ into the frame ;)

Denh Lay Photography












Denh Lay Photography


2/ Get in close 

Don’t be afraid to get in close and fill the screen.

As mobile phones are much smaller than a camera, they’re not nearly as daunting as a DSLR or compact camera can be.

If you want them to look straight into the camera like this big eyes bubba :), make sure you duck behind the phone.







3/ Avoid dark shadows across faces

Great photos require patience, great photos with kids, require even more! :) The problem with taking mobile phone snaps wherever and whenever is that the light might not always be ideal. You just have to make the most of what you’ve got. For example, play equipment tend to cast a lot of awkward shadows so be patient and wait. Yes wait :) … and encourage them out into the light.

Denh Lay Photography













Denh Lay Photography



4/ Photograph kids at their level

Bend those knees and use your phone at their level.

Kids love sharing their secret worlds and are more relaxed when you’re not looking down on them.









5/ Include yourself!

Finally, do yourself a favour and make sure to occasionally include yourself in your photos. Mums (and dads) are always out there snapping away then find they’re nowhere in their family album! Nothing more convenient than either handing your mobile to someone or turning it on yourself and your children. Much easier to do than with a DSLR or a compact. Don’t be shy, give it a go ;)  Here’s some of me vying for the camera ;) … and yes, there’s a pool shot in there. I take my mobile everywhere I can’t take my DSLR!



With mobile phones, I should also make mention the fantastic downloadable Apps like Hipstamatic and Instamatic which can give your mobile phone photos a totally different and more artistic look. Check them out and have some real fun!


Here’s a SUPER SHORT 30SEC SLIDE SHOW of some photos I’ve taken with some funky iPhone Apps…


Make your own slide show at Animoto.