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Monthly Archives: May 2012

The Davies

Meet my friend Kim and her beautiful family. With two children with special needs, you’d think they have much to complain about but ask her or her husband Matt, and they’d tell you that life is pretty amazing. There’s no denying they have their hands full but there’s plenty of love to go around and to make their hectic days, fulfilling. Their story is heartwarming, honest, and humbling.

Thank you guys for the cuppa… which I really should have made myself!

Thank you Mr Thomas for  sharing your dinosaurs. When you are ready to tell your stories, the world will be listening.

Thank you Mr Angus, aka, Chooks, for all the cuddles. Never fear, your family is always near.

Thank you Miss Milou for gracing me with some precious smiles. You are as fragile as any baby but stronger than most.


Blessed are those who can embrace life and all it’s little surprises. ♥♥




In March I, along with thousands of photographers, were inspired by the brilliant Australian portrait photographer Sue Bryce, who shared with the world her technique and her passion. It brought me back to college days where I was taught that posing (of product or person) and lighting is paramount. It was technical but fun and still very much applicable to the family portraiture style I now specialise in.

My first shoot after watching Sue was this series of my friend Leanne. Ruby, her 2nd bub just popped in to say hi :)

Isn’t it amazing how a little inspiration can take you to another place?  :)  I’d love to do more portraits to celebrate mums and women in general! If these images resonate with you or make you wonder if you could look this good, give me a bell… because chances are, you already do :)


PS: This is the last of my ‘Leanne’ posts, I promise :) Thank you sweet for being such an amazing and generous friend. You have become my poster girl :) and I hope you adore these images we created as much as I do.


Portrait Photographer

Portrait Photographer

Portrait Photographer

Portrait Photographer

Portrait Photographer

Portrait Photographer

Portrait Photographer

Mother’s Day Giveaway

Yesterday I chose to attend a business workshop over taking care of my kids who have colds. A teary drop off with the 3yo was heart wrenching :( It took an hour into the workshop before I could focus and the guilt lingered all day. This is the guilt we mums feel every time we do something for ourselves, whether it’s a business endeavour, a personal goal, or a hot cuppa!

For Mother’s Day, I’d like to reward a fellow mum. I’m looking for someone special, someone amazing, someone who’s made real sacrifices, someone who puts others before her every day! Basically, any mum :) In my eyes ALL mums qualify!!!

As most of you know, I specialise in family portraits but I really want this to be about mums. This isn’t about vanity or beauty but about celebrating the woman you have become with the responsibilities and love of motherhood.

So, the reward I’m giving away includes………..

* A portrait session all about you

* A gorgeous makeover with hair and makeup

* A beautiful handmade folio box of (5) 5″x7″ prints

* A classic 10″x10″ handmade desk mount with 3 prints

* A digital collection of 5 of your favourite images


Denh Lay Photography


Excited???!! :) I am!! To enter.……

* Comment on my Denh Lay Photography Facebook Page under the Mother’s Day Giveaway post or on my wall with “I’m worth it!”

* ‘Like’ my Facebook Page (not just the post) if you haven’t already.


* Share the post with your friends and you score another entry! :)

* If your friends enter as well you get, YES, another entry!  (Just ask them to mention you in their comment)

* If this is not for you, why not share it anyway? I’m sure you know a deserving mum or two :)

 Entries Close: Midnight 13th May, 2012

The winner entry will be chosen using


Can’t wait to draw the winner and capture some memorable images for one of you gorgeous mums! x


Conditions Apply

# Session will be in Croydon though travel within 40km will be considered 

# Session must take place within 6mths

# Not redeemable for cash