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Monthly Archives: January 2012

Lasting Memories

Photography is such a blessed craft. Be there to seize the moment and if you can bring it back to life, you have something special that can be cherished forever. I had the opportunity to photograph 91yr old Apostolos in December as some of you might recall from my previous post ( ). Such a wonderfully gentle and patient man he is! Accompanied by his beautiful daughter Sophia, the two modelled for about 10 of us eager snappers.

Last week I received this lovely letter from Sophia, thus completing the story. Thank you for letting me share it here. I feel blessed to have been part of the joy ♥


Good morning Denh,

… Our Christmas was interrupted by the severe storms in our suburb that day; however, it did not ruin the moment when Dad opened his Christmas gift to find a beautifully framed photo of the two of us .. the one that you sent me.

My plan was to take a pic the moment he opened the package, but there was so much chaos having 18 family members arrive at different times at his home and all the other distractions with food and general movement in a relatively small home.

Nonetheless … when I arrived at his home for coffee the next morning, the photo was sitting in his favourite position with all his other favourite things.  At eye level right above the radio that he listens to every day.

Thank you Denh for making a precious memory a lasting one.

Bless you and your family,

Sophia xoxox


PS: The second image below is the one that was gifted I believe. The first one here is just another sweet moment of the day.



Lena Kaitlin

With two photo sessions within the first 12 days of life, Lena is a seasoned pro! :) Thank you for sharing your time so generously Mary and making sure Lena was such a doll ♥



December Joy

Just a few of the gorgeous kids I had the pleasure of photographing last December. Each and everyone, unique in their own little ways :) ♥






Just noticed I hadn’t posted these from December. Can you tell this was a fun session! ;) Sometimes it’s about the pose, sometimes it’s the composition, but always, always, it’s about the light.






Happy New Year!

So our New Years didn’t quite go as planned. My husband and I spent NYE coughing to the joyful sound of fireworks and neighbouring parties. Well, at least we were together … and in the end, that is what it’s all about. Another year of family bliss we wish for you and your loved ones.

Looking forward to a year of inspiring images and joyful memories.