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Yearly Archives: 2012

A Cheerful Season

I photograph kids at play, being themselves. That is what I do :) How very fortunate I am to be blessed with the support, opportunity, and passion to make this my reality. These are some of the magic moments that made my work that extra cheerful :)

The Will of William

In April I reconnected with a high school friend. Our lives have changed immeasurably but the generous, kind and bubbly personality I knew then had not, so our friendship renewed with ease. I quickly learnt of the incredible and inspiring journey of her baby boy, William, born 3 months premature. One can only imagine the heartache endured and the strength fostered through such an experience. Having just celebrated his 1st birthday, William has developed into a wonderful reflection of his adoring parents. Strong, joyful, and full of cheek! Thank you for the opportunity to capture your precious moments.

Every day is one worth celebrating. Cherish life and health as though they’re the greatest gifts you’ll ever receive because frankly… they are.

Feeling Good Free Falling

What better way to free fall from 14,000ft (4.2km) than to do it whilst raising money for charity! So immensely grateful for the fantastic support from family, friends, and anonymous philanthropists who helped me raise $1,740 over 6 weeks for  Support for Mums! Collectively, the Mother Jumpers fundraising event has raised just over $36,000!! Brilliant effort I say!

Here’s some photos to share the AMAZING ride, that takes your breath away.

(All photos, except the landing series, were supplied by Skydive The Beach Melbourne. Stills from our video!)


The view was incredible, perfect conditions.   |   Fellow MotherJumper, Robyn and I, waiting nervously.


Time for my aviator goggles.   |    Door opens. The pile up!!!!


ONE DOWN!!! (This was my scariest moment, sitting by the door watching 4 divers drop out before me… like bricks! :P)


Screaming as I’m pushed to the edge!  |  Hanging on for dear life, remembering instructions to hang our feet outside, ‘under’ the plane. Right….



Freakin’ brilliant summersaults out of the plane!!!!!


Just plain free falling (!!)


Enjoying myself… honestly.


What I would look like with a facelift! :)


Relaxing a little   |   Taking in the breeze :)

Exhilaration. The moment the shoot opens :)


Riding the wind… soaring.


Yes, I have the parachute ropes! Guiding us to land :P


Heading for the landing… (Thanks to my brother Mike for these photos!)


Safely back on the ground. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



Christmas Specials 2012

My goodness, where has the year gone?! It’s been a massive one, starting with the decision to embark on a new career that would enable a more flexible lifestyle and time with the kids. Best decision I’ve ever made! :) I’ve had so much fun learning about my craft and the business, I can hardly believe the year is almost over!

If you are interested in portraits with me, here’s some special offers just in time time for Christmas! Spots are very limited so please call early to book in your session and give us plenty of time to organise that amazing Christmas gift for you and your family! If gift vouchers are more your thing, we offer them too, beautifully wrapped all ready for Christmas! :)

Client and Christmas Specials

Past Client Products Special – As a thank you to my past clients, I am offering a 10% savings off any product created from a past session. All orders, except books and albums, must be confirmed by 30th Nov 2012 to ensure delivery by Christmas. Book/album orders need to be in by 10th Nov.

Client Referral Special – If you are an existing or past client and have been happy with your experience, why not refer a friend or family? Anyone you refer is welcome to a photography session plus (1) 8″x12″ print for $100, a saving of $120. In addition you will also receive an 8″x12″ matted gift print from your past session for your kind referral. Offer valid until 30th Nov 2012. Sessions can occur after but must be booked and paid in full by 30th Nov.

Christmas Package Special – Includes photography session, (1) 20″x30″ Art Canvas, (2) 5″x7″ Ready to frame matted gift prints, 25 custom designed christmas cards on art paper with your favourite image. Total $620, saving of $130. Orders must be confirmed by 30th Nov 2012 to ensure delivery by Christmas.

Bookings and enquiries:

0413 703 150 or

Why I’m Jumping Off A Plane

My recent 4yo’s birthday party has made me a wee nostalgic. It’s unbelievable that 4 years ago, she was born into this world and created a pair of nervous parents out of my husband and I. Her labour was a marathon 36hours that ended in an emergency cesarean. I remember the beginning and end like it was yesterday. It’s not the pain that endures but the memory of our anxiety and the overwhelming relief.

Up until earlier this year, I thought I lived a typical after birth response. I mean, who wants to be visited by family immediately after the birth of their first child? Who isn’t so nervous and worried that they tell their friends not to visit for weeks? Who isn’t ridden with anxiety every time their baby cries for the first few months? … Oh, not everyone?? It was only after seeing how well so many of my friends embraced and recovered from their first born experiences that I realised I had probably been experiencing a little more than the ‘baby blues’. I realised with much clarity this year what I’ve avoided talking about for years. It’s been liberating and made me wish there was more practical help and open discussion for mums in need.

In June this year, I came across Support for Mums, “a not-for-profit organisation that assists mums and their families through circumstantial crisis. Circumstantial crisis may include high risk/difficult pregnancy, an unwell baby or child, unwell immediate family member, perinatal depression or any crisis that inhibits a family carry out day-to-day tasks.” Just as important though, “they provide information and referral, practical assistance and or funding to ensure practical tasks are carried out relieving pressure on the family. Information provided may include referral to appropriate services, information on government initiatives. Services may include referral and or payment of cleaners, babysitters, cooks, taxis or gardeners.”

And what I love most about their mission? … “Support for mums is dedicated and passionate about reducing stigma associated with mums and families accepting and receiving support when needed the most.”

Last week, a national fundraiser was launched to get them off the ground, literally. Titled Mother Jumpers, the event will see mums jumping out of planes on the 25th November to raise funds to support this much needed organisation. You can follow their progress on Facebook.

So apart from sponsoring the event, I am now also a registered Mother Jumper :) If my story resonates, if you know of any mums who would benefit, or if you simply want to see me jump out of a plane :), PLEASE support me and support the cause with a kind donation.


All About Mary

One day in May, I had a bad day.

I felt the inevitable guilt that all mums feel at some stage. I wondered if I was being a good mother to my two girls. I wondered if I had my priorities right. I wondered, if it was the right time to follow my passion and do what I love. Tough questions, with a simple and resounding ‘YES’ to all. That little epiphany inspired me to create a competition to reward a fellow mum. A pampering session with hair, makeup and photo shoot. The intent wasn’t just to create beautiful portraits that she could be proud of but to enable a rare moment of indulgence and recognition for one well deserving mum.

Meet Mary, mother of 2. School teacher some days. Supermum 24/7. I think her smile says it all :)

….. Coincidently, Leanne from my last special mummy shoot assisted with the hair and makeup in this shoot. So fortunate to know such talented mums ♥


Denh Lay Photography

Denh Lay Photography

Denh Lay Photography

Denh Lay Photography

Denh Lay Photography


5 Tips to Great Birthday Party Photos

It’s party season in our family with 8 birthdays over Spring! And if that’s not enough to keep us busy, we also have half a dozen kids parties to go to. Cupcakes, fairy bread, jelly cups, here we come!! :) Aside from the mad rush to organise gifts, cakes & decorations, it’s a great opportunity to grab photos of some pretty excitable kids in their sugar rush best. So, if you’re heading into a party and want to capture some fun memories, here’s my tips :)

1. Create the excitement :)

I think I’ve said in the another tip post that great photos require patience. Well, sometimes great shots also require some masterminding :) My normally shy 2yo was so happy to have all her uncles, aunties and grandparents over to celebrate her birthday that she quickly became quite sociable and …delirious :) I really wanted to capture this glee and pure joy of the day. So, I started the kids on a game of chasey along the hallway, where they would have to run towards me, then positioned myself at one end where I knew their faces would be lit, and just waited :)

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2. Get down to their level

If you are use to standing amongst the adults and photographing your kids from a distance then my advice would be to get in on the fun :) For a photograph that takes you and your child back into that moment, get down to their level and capture the shot from their point of view.






3. Have fun with dress ups

Kids look adorable in dress ups, period! :) However, to add a bit of fun, try asking them to act out their character eg. What does a fairy enjoy doing?

My 3yo decided here that fairies like to climb garden benches! I waited till she was in mid climb and called her name :)







4. Set up the candle shot

Don’t all kids love blowing the candles? During the big event, all camera’s are usually out for this one so make sure you’re ready for it and find a good position in anticipation. For an interesting group shot after the main birthday candle’s blown, shuffle the kids as close together as possible and watch them all have a go. Mind the dribbles though ;)

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Personally, I find it such a beautiful moment that I also like to capture it after the event, when all is quiet and the birthday girl/boy can truly enjoy their birthday light. For this series of shots, I’ve turned off the room lights, so I just had the ambient light from the candles to capture this magical moment. For those interested, it was shot on my 50mm, at 1.4 .


5. Include yourself!

Finally, my reoccurring tip to parents, include yourself in your photos, your family albums, your memories.

Hand over your camera or ask a friend who’ll happily send you copies. Here’s me at my 2yo’s party, enjoying being the centre of so much cuteness :)

Sure, the kids are looking EVERYWHERE else but the camera hehehe.. but I’m pretty sure it will make my kids laugh when they see it in years to come. It sure makes me laugh :)


Inspired In Spring!

Bracing myself for an exciting Spring and finding inspiration from one of my favourite shoots earlier this year. Life got so busy that I completely forgot to blog it yet it is such a perfect session to describe the type of photographer I am, how I work, and the style of playful, expressive, natural images I LOVE to create. Every time I look at these joyful expressions, I WANT to smile :) No matter what’s bearing weight in my busy world, I feel joy through their joy.

What a truly amazing gift they have given me  ♥♥♥


The Year So Far

The year has escaped me and I cannot believe we are in mid July! Blog posts have been infrequent as I fly through this roller coaster year of learning and development. So much achieved with so much yet to be fulfilled! Always excited, always inspired. That is how I wish the rest of the year to be!

Here’s a collection of some of my favourite images of 2012 to date. I hope they reflect the joy I see in people and the absolute love I have for what I do.

… Ever grateful for all the support and encouragement I’m blessed to have in my life. x



5 Tips to Great Mobile Phone Photos

I love taking photos of my kids on my DSLRs for the creative control they provide but when we’re out and about, my best camera is usually my mobile phone. After all, I do believe that great imagery is more often about the moment, the light and not necessarily the gear. So, if you’re a prolific mobile phone snapper and want to improve your photos of your kids, you’ll love my top 5 tips for great mobile photography :) …. (and don’t miss the super short 30sec slideshow at the end too!).


1/ Look for interesting objects to frame your child

I love photographing in playgrounds because they’re full of great props that could be used to frame your child! Whether I’m using a DSLR or mobile phone, I try to fill the screen with the ‘frame’ which helps draw attention to the face. Just make sure your phone is ready when they ‘pop’ into the frame ;)

Denh Lay Photography












Denh Lay Photography


2/ Get in close 

Don’t be afraid to get in close and fill the screen.

As mobile phones are much smaller than a camera, they’re not nearly as daunting as a DSLR or compact camera can be.

If you want them to look straight into the camera like this big eyes bubba :), make sure you duck behind the phone.







3/ Avoid dark shadows across faces

Great photos require patience, great photos with kids, require even more! :) The problem with taking mobile phone snaps wherever and whenever is that the light might not always be ideal. You just have to make the most of what you’ve got. For example, play equipment tend to cast a lot of awkward shadows so be patient and wait. Yes wait :) … and encourage them out into the light.

Denh Lay Photography













Denh Lay Photography



4/ Photograph kids at their level

Bend those knees and use your phone at their level.

Kids love sharing their secret worlds and are more relaxed when you’re not looking down on them.









5/ Include yourself!

Finally, do yourself a favour and make sure to occasionally include yourself in your photos. Mums (and dads) are always out there snapping away then find they’re nowhere in their family album! Nothing more convenient than either handing your mobile to someone or turning it on yourself and your children. Much easier to do than with a DSLR or a compact. Don’t be shy, give it a go ;)  Here’s some of me vying for the camera ;) … and yes, there’s a pool shot in there. I take my mobile everywhere I can’t take my DSLR!



With mobile phones, I should also make mention the fantastic downloadable Apps like Hipstamatic and Instamatic which can give your mobile phone photos a totally different and more artistic look. Check them out and have some real fun!


Here’s a SUPER SHORT 30SEC SLIDE SHOW of some photos I’ve taken with some funky iPhone Apps…


Make your own slide show at Animoto.