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Monthly Archives: October 2011

My Teeth Are Made For Chomping!

A couple weeks before her 1st birthday she grew her first 2 teeth. We celebrated with lots of baby meatballs and chops for those toothy pegs. 8 weeks on, she appears to be sprouting some new ones… this time, sizeable enough to warrant a steak!

Billy Buttons

Had the opportunity to create some promotional images for Billy Buttons, a new business that will specialise in organic children’s wear. What angels these little models were to photograph. I had so much fun, especially with cheeky miss Ella who was happy to pose as long as she could explore! Thank you also to big brother Jack who gave me this sweet gaze that just screamed for some vintage treatment.

Good luck with the launch of your new business. Look forward to seeing it come together in the new year!

Big Girl Now

My baby girl turned 3 recently and is exploring the world with new big girl eyes. Seemingly overnight, all the cute nicknames I ever gave her are no longer appropriate and commonly retorted with “No, I’m Jade”.

Yes, you are my dear … and always will be, my baby Jade.

10 Years Bliss

I was honoured to be invited to photograph a 10 year anniversary party on the weekend. A beautiful event with a beautiful family. What a great way to celebrate their greatest achievements over the decade! May you enjoy many more… decades that is ;)

Start of Spring

Start of Spring meant more bursts of sunshine. But too many images means no time to blog! Finally found time to catch up a little so here’s my two favourites for the month.