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Yearly Archives: 2010

The New Gen

A great day out with mates even if the weather was amiss, sunny one moment, gusty the next. The kids had a ball though and there was plenty of food and conversation to keep everyone warm… until it was too cold to stay of course.

My Happy Bubbacakes

Three months have flown by and my little Evie is now an infant, no longer a newborn. When did that happen?? There is so little time to ponder with your second child. Somewhere along the way she has grown up and is currently fascinated by her hands and their ability to pull her dress up over her head!


It was a brilliant sunny weekend, perfect for some outdoor fun with gorgeous four month old Ruby. She loved the camera and I absolutely loved her big cheeky grin! :)

Xander & Annika

The Lough’s recently welcomed the arrival of gorgeous Annika. A unique name for a unique little bub. Together with big brother Xander and folks, we made the most of a very wet Spring day. It was a fun session filled with Xander nuttiness and special moments of sibling love.

My Girls

Life with a newborn and toddler is challenging in so many ways. Constantly juggling time and attention between the delicate care of a newborn and the exhausting activities of a toddler is no mean feat. Life can become so hectic and frustrating that it’s easy to forget the wonders of parenthood and the miracles that are our children.

Evelyn Grace

So thrilled to announce the birth of our beautiful baby girl, Evelyn Grace. She surprised us by arriving 4 days early and has kept us on our toes ever since. Whilst life with a newborn and active toddler is exhausting, the moments of pure joy and love is rewarding beyond words. Here at only 8 days old, Evie has had to learn patience as over excited mum snaps away at the camera.


Kids love the outdoors and with spring nearly upon us, there’ll be plenty of garden exploration to look forward to. Ever cheerful Nathan seems to love nothing more than running through the grass and screaming in delight at mum and dad. The boy’s got a great pair of lungs!

My Little Explorer

Inquisitive, adventurous and ever so cheeky. What a joyful little girl my daughter’s become. I am always amazed by how quickly our little ones grow but more so how quickly they learn and adapt to the world around them.

Seaside Bliss

The Ryans are great friends and suburban dwellers who decided on a sea change a few years back. It’s wonderful to see them reaping the rewards of a beautiful seaside life with their two gorgeous boys. Whatever the weather, there’s something magic about the sea breeze that compels one to dream.


Met gorgeous 7mth old Jayden on a surprisingly sunny winters day. His parents couldn’t be more proud of their little boy who sat patiently for all the posing, kissing and cuddling. It’s tough being the centre of attention!