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Monthly Archives: November 2009


One year old Thomas has certainly found his feet, running around excitedly like a kid who’s discovered freedom… or chocolate. If not for a brief lounge on the grass, I doubt I would have been able to keep up!




Charley and Ella

Out numbered 3 girls to 1 (4 to 1 if you count the family dog!), dad has long accepted his place in the household. I suspect these girls will have no problems getting their way with those cheeky grins and adorable deep blue eyes.



Mighty Toddlers

The age of mobility and independence. The toddler years may just set the ground rules between parent and child for years to come. If you already know the answer to ‘Who does the TV remote belong to?’, then it’s probably too late.


1 Year Milestone

My little girl reached her 1 year milestone recently. The newborn experience is but a distant memory as we tackle new challenges of the mighty toddler. Where has the year gone?