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Monthly Archives: September 2009


Just returned from a whirlwind week in Shanghai. We made the journey for my brother and sister in law’s wedding celebrations part two. It was an opulent affair held on an old paddle steamer that cruised the Shanghai Harbour. The chinese tradition to toast with ‘gan bei’, meaning empty glass, saw many guests staggering off the boat with slurred speeches and happy memories.



The city was as I remembered it from our 2006 venture, with it’s vibrant colours, it’s relentless traffic, and a frenzy of construction reflective of a fast developing country.




A friend inspired me to try something new which in fact was to create something old. Old looking that is. Spent some time on this and have convinced myself that there’s something about the expression that compliments the style. I love it anyway.


Lachlan, Tom & Ben

I love photographing kids because they bring out the child in me… though some would suggest I am childlike most days! 8 month old Lachlan demanded a lot of entertainment. If I wasn’t interesting to look at, he preferred his empty coke bottle and fair enough. Tom 10 and Ben 12, on the other hand, were out to entertain. I just had fun photographing as the boys tortured each other as brothers do.





Fresh from sleep and ready to play, my cheeky 5 month old nephew posed for the camera like a natural. He was exceptionally good at bringing out the clown in me! But I guess that’s what aunts and uncles are for hey.




Beginnings of Independence

It’s been an exciting and exhausting couple of months as my little girl gained new independence, exploring her world on hands and knees, and navigating food to mouth with her refined pincer grip. Suddenly, a smorgasbord of previously unattainable toys are there for the tasting.




I love this image of my sister in law and her mum. There’s something about it that reminds me how much I love photography and it’s ability to capture those intangible moments.